Journey to #rust, episode 62534: "Deploy a distroless image on Jelastic"
I've got my POC web server, a simple enough #axum app that... compile. At last.
Then I've managed to dockerize it, but I like to live dangerously and I've been using #podman. So far so good. Learning a lot.
Then enabled Jelastic on Infomaniak
First problem: "OCI manifest found, but Accept header does not support OCI manifests"
Apparently GitHub does not support serving OCI images from ghcr, I've used another format with podman push -f v2s2 ...
. This works, done.
Second problem: "The [ jem docker setup ] operation has failed: Container return error message: bash: line 1: touch: command not found"
I suspect #Jelastic does not support #distroless images... I guess I'll have to use one of their "supported" base image, which will be:
#rust #Axum #podman #jelastic #distroless