Päivän pitkäsoitto:
Jello Biafra with Nomeansno - The Sky Is Falling and I Want My Mommy (1991)
#nomeansno #jellobiafra #posthardcore #artpunk #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy
#aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #artpunk #posthardcore #jellobiafra #nomeansno
Στην συλλογή που επιμελήθηκε ο ίδιος ο Jello Biafra, υπάρχουν και γκρουπ από την post punk & new wave σκηνή, πχ κλείνει με το Sleep των Voice Farm.
Μας άρεσε το An Object των Wounds, ούτε η μάνα τους τους ήξερε, ακουγόταν συχνά από το Radio Free.
#letthemeatjellybeans #jellobiafra
To Fresh fruits for Rotting Vegetables παίζει να είναι ο πρώτος δίσκος που αγόρασα.
Tοτε δεν γνώριζα βέβαια ποιος είναι ο Jerry Brown, ούτε για White Night Riots και ποιος είναι ο Harvey Milk που δολοφονήθηκε και γιατί ο δολοφόνος, πρώην δημοτικός σύμβουλος, Dan White, τιμωρήθηκε τόσο λίγο για το διπλό φονικό, σκότωσε και το δήμαρχο μαζί.
Ο Jello Biafra δεν μασούσε!
Here it is live, the lyrics even more wide-eyed with Jello's delivery and stage presence.
Jello Biafra and D.O.A. "Full Metal Jackoff"
#punk #hardcore #HardCorePunk #PunkRock #JelloBiafra #DeadKennedys #DOA
#doa #deadkennedys #jellobiafra #punkrock #hardcorepunk #hardcore #punk
#NowPlaying "Full Metal Jackoff", from the 1990 collaboration between Jello Biafra and Canadian hardcore band D.O.A. – the 14-minute closer of the gloriously named EP Last Scream of the Missing Neighbors.
It still has the same fantastic power and cracked paranoia all these years later.
(Live version below.)
#punk #hardcore #HardCorePunk #PunkRock #rock #JelloBiafra #DeadKennedys #DOA
#doa #deadkennedys #jellobiafra #rock #punkrock #hardcorepunk #hardcore #punk #nowplaying
"How do we empower people to grow up unafraid to be their own person, and by sometimes clumsy, sometimes painful trial and error, find out and flesh out who they are?"
#JelloBiafra, 2000
Jello for President in 2024!
Indeed! As Indymedia folks were fond of saying - famously echoed by Jello Biafra in his 2000 spoken word album - don't hate the media, become the media!
LARD - The Power of Lard
#mastoradio #jellobiafra
ze #ChrisCornell ontmoeten en ze richten #Soundgarden op in 1984. Deze band zal een stempel op het genre grunge zetten en er een metal invloed aan geven , vooral door Kim zijn gitaarspel, ze zijn ook de eerste grungeband met een major platendeal.
In 1997 stopt soundgarden en richt hij #TheNoWTOCombo met punklegende #JelloBiafra op in 1999.
In 2010 komt Soundgarden terug samen tot het overlijden van Chris Cornell in 2018.
In 2021 richt hij supergroep #3rdSecret op met #KirstNovoselic
#chriscornell #soundgarden #thenowtocombo #jellobiafra #3rdsecret #kirstnovoselic
Happy Birthday Jello! 🎶🖤🎶
#jellobiafra #deadkennedys #punkrock
#jellobiafra #deadkennedys #punkrock
Thursday afternoon listening part deux… #JelloBiafra with #NoMeansNo #TheSkyIsFallingAndIWantMyMommy
#jellobiafra #nomeansno #theskyisfallingandiwantmymommy
#10yrsago #JelloBiafra talks #Occupy, music, and Obama https://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/apr/25/jello-biafra-obama-occupy
#10yrsago Too-big-to-fail banks implicated in $500 trillion fraud: biggest price-rigging scandal in history https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-price-fixing-scandal-ever-82255/
#5yrsago A who’s-who of tech manufacturers sent scaremongering letters to the Illinois legislature to kill #RightToRepair https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbxk3b/appliance-companies-are-lobbying-against-right-to-repair
#5yrsago Security researchers can turn #Alexa into a transcribing, always-on listening device https://threatpost.com/researchers-hacked-amazons-alexa-to-spy-on-users-again/131401/
#10yrsago #jellobiafra #occupy #5yrsago #righttorepair #alexa
More #lyrics for the ages:
"Sidewinders crawl through my eye sockets/Their soft white underbelly feels like love"
- Time To Melt by Lard. One of #JelloBiafra's many side projects.
Japanse Noise rock band afkomstig van de planeet Kero Kero opgericht in '97 door Chihiro, Kirilola and Fuzuki. Van de band blijft nu, na heel wat line-up wissels enkel nog Kirilola over.
Van live optredens is bekend dat ze zelfgemaakte kostuums, gesynchroniseerde robotdansen en kikkergerelateerde items bevatten.
Hun grootste fans zijn #MikePatton en #JelloBiafra.
Getuige volgend stukje geschreven door #MikePatton.
#exgirl #mikepatton #jellobiafra
Japanse Noise rock band afkomstig van de planeet Kero Kero opgericht in '97 door Chihiro, Kirilola and Fuzuki. Van de band blijft nu, na heel wat line-up wissels enkel nog Kirilola over.
Van live optredens is bekend dat ze zelfgemaakte kostuums, gesynchroniseerde robotdansen en kikkergerelateerde items bevatten.
Hun grootste fans zijn #MikePatton en #JelloBiafra.
#exgirl #mikepatton #jellobiafra
#ThePowerOfLard by Lard
Jello Biafra with some friends from Ministry.
This song has some of the best one liners in a rock song
"... pity the horse trainer,
In the stable,
When the race horse
Isn't that gold?
#SonicPickMeUp #thepoweroflard #music #jellobiafra #lard
Dead Kennedys - Life Sentence
i'd rather stay a child
and keep my self-respect
if being an adult
means being like YOU!
#mastoradio #deadkennedys #jellobiafra #fuckadultism
Jeez - I love Jello Biafra a LOT, but how do you do a podcast with Fred Armisen for nearly two hours and just talk about yourself, barely letting your guest speak? If Armisen doesn’t do a new character soon, an old punk podcast host who keeps asking their guest questions only to answer them themselves at length, then I’ll be really surprised 😂
#JelloBiafra #FredArmisen #Podcast #RenegadeRoundtable #Punk #Comedy #DeadKennedys
#jellobiafra #fredarmisen #Podcast #renegaderoundtable #punk #comedy #deadkennedys