#Today is a VERY 🥶 COLD #Mondog. I took mom out for a short trip down the street, and that was it for her! Teeth chattering and shivering. We play n snuggle inside today. I got a taste of banana muffin 🧁 and some #JellyBelly rubs! #DogsOfMastodon #DaisyDoo #Dogs #SheltieLife
#sheltielife #dogs #daisydoo #dogsofmastodon #jellybelly #mondog #today
I went on the #JellyBelly factory tour last week and can't stop thinking about how they said very cherry, buttered popcorn and licorice were their top 3 flavors. That just doesn't seem right. Are those y'all's favorites?
NYJ, in audience when Adam West, as Batman, played Shea Stadium, all my surviving family think arguing at Thanksgiving dinner is disruptive. #tourists #HudsonRiverPark #TheLadyEve #JimBackus #AlanArkin #PeterFalk #eastcoastoysters #GlobalEntry #insulin #jellybelly #ThatFatalGlassOfBeer #RichardLester #JacquesTourneur #DonSiegel #ThePajamaGame #TheTallT #BobNewhart #Highway61Revisited #Roadrunner #AMRadio #WMCAGoodGuys #Provence #Osaka #TheCandyHouse #BarchesterTowers #BroadwayDannyRose
#broadwaydannyrose #barchestertowers #TheCandyHouse #osaka #provence #wmcagoodguys #amradio #roadrunner #highway61revisited #BobNewhart #thetallt #thepajamagame #donsiegel #jacquestourneur #richardlester #thatfatalglassofbeer #jellybelly #insulin #globalentry #eastcoastoysters #peterfalk #alanarkin #jimbackus #theladyeve #hudsonriverpark #tourists