This article focuses on #Apache #Navajo #Jemez people mitigating forest fires well before the arrival of Europeans. #Indigenous people around the planet have history of enhancing biodiversity through selective burning of understory. #environment #fire #climate #forest
#apache #navajo #jemez #indigenous #environment #fire #climate #forest
#archaeology #landscape #visualization from #lidar 20 - my 17th post on #ChacoanBeltRoads.
Most known examples of belt roads in the American southwest are from the northern San Juan and seem to be associated with chacoan period sites. As noted, race tracks in other areas are linear. There are very few examples from elsewhere. Here are two from the later (post-1300 CE) sites of Tovakwa and Totaskwina in the #Jemez mountains of central #NewMexico.
#archaeology #landscape #visualization #lidar #chacoanbeltroads #jemez #newmexico #archaeologylandscapevisualization