the ✨concentration✨ | Atlanta Falcons #nfl #falcons #atlantafalcons #shorts #jenga
#Atlanta #AtlantaFalcons #Falcons #Football #Georgia #NationalFootballConference #NationalFootballConferenceSouthDivision #NationalFootballLeague #NFL
#nfl #falcons #atlantafalcons #shorts #jenga #atlanta #football #georgia #nationalfootballconference #nationalfootballconferencesouthdivision #nationalfootballleague
I got a #DoubleJenga at #Twitter. What can I win, @gavinkarlmeier?
#RateLimit #RateLimitExceeded
#Zugriffslimit #HakenDran #Nitter #Jenga #Musk
#doublejenga #RateLimit #ratelimitexceeded #zugriffslimit #hakendran #twitter #nitter #jenga #musk
I suppose my trepidation is due to the first #SoloRPG I ever read being a 30-odd-page document involving dice, tokens, a deck of cards, and #Jenga blocks (which I've never played). I'm certain all I'd have to do would be to forge ahead more than a few times and learn the ropes. But I'm interested in hearing about others' early forays into #journaling #RPGs. #ttrpg
#soloRPG #jenga #journaling #rpgs #ttrpg
#Jenga shocker:
I learned in two podcasts I listened to recently (one of which was an interview with Leslie Scott, the woman who designed it) that the blocks are NOT identical. They have slight variations to make the game more challenging.
I went to an axe throwing place last night and it was a HOOT. But our shouting started early as we got to the last level in big #Jenga. This is the best I’ve ever done, and shortly thereafter we lost at the very top.
Game getting competitive #jenga
Just realized that life is like a game of Jenga. Sometimes you have to take a risk and remove a piece to make progress, but you always have to be careful not to bring the whole thing crashing down. #deepthoughts #lifelessons #jenga
#deepthoughts #lifelessons #jenga
El viernes 10 de marzo #ElCaboDelJuego estuvo en el colegio @ceiplafila__alfafar de #Alfafar haciendo dos sesiones de #JuegosDeMesa. Por la mañana jugamos con l@s niñ@s de tercero de infantil y por la tarde la sesión fue con l@s de primero de primaria.
En la semana de la #mujer nos divertirnos y acercamos los juegos de mesa modernos a l@s más peques:
#StoryCubes nos permitió trabajar la creatividad, socialización, escucha activa y expresividad, entre otras.
Con #MalTrago abordamos la capacidad frustración, el lenguaje y la cohesión grupal.
En la #DanzaDelHuevo trabajaron la psicomotricidad, así como la tolerancia a la frustración.
Con #PiouPiou vimos la planificación, estrategia y tomas de decisiones.
En #Monza, los bólidos nos permiten planificar sus movimientos y tolerar la frustración cuando las tiradas de dados no acompañan.
#ElConejitoBurbuja trabaja memoria y la percepción visoespacial.
#Jenga y el caballo les permitió mostrar su habilidad psicomotriz.
Sobre todo pasaron un rato divertido, sin necesidad de pantallas, con sus compañer@s de cole, en torno a los #JuegosDeMesa.
Gracias a @ceiplafila__alfafar por darnos la oportunidad de acercar los juegos a l@s más peques, así como a las profesoras y monitoras que colaboraron con esta actividad 👏👏👏.
#ElCaboDelJuego #alfafar #juegosdemesa #mujer #storycubes #maltrago #danzadelhuevo #pioupiou #monza #elconejitoburbuja #jenga #elcabodeljuegoenalfafar #jocsdetaula #boardgames #asociacionismo #igualdad #intergeneracional
Ich habe zwar keinen Bluesky Invitecode für euch, aber hier könnt ihr das #HakenDran #Bingo spielen:
Weiß nicht, wie gut das funktioniert und ob das limitiert ist. Viel Spaß damit!
#TwitterDown #jenga #bingo #hakendran
Cascade of modernist villas.
#StreetPhotography #HerzogdeMeuron #LowerManhattan #blackANDwhite #Monochrome #Photography #Architecture #Skyscraper #Manhattan #Tribeca #Jenga #Urban #NYC
#streetphotography #herzogdemeuron #lowermanhattan #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #photography #architecture #skyscraper #manhattan #tribeca #jenga #urban #nyc
Gibt es eigentlich schon ein #HakenDran BS-Bingo?
Also mit Feldern wie "Jenga", "Gavin malt ein Bild zum Hören", "machen wir einen Haken dran", "Twitter hat mal wieder etwas nicht bezahlt" und "Dennis sitzt in Auto".
Alternativ auch als Trinkspiel.
#TwitterDown #Twitter #jenga #hakendran
Können wir etablieren, dass wir statt #TwitterDown den Hashtag #Jenga benutzen? Das ist viel lustiger...
Andere gucken GZSZ oder rote Rosen. Meine Daily Soap ist Haken dran mit @gavinkarlmeier und @dennishorn mit ihrem werktäglichem Twitter-Update.
Wetten, dass ich weiß, was @dennishorn und @gavinkarlmeier am Montag zu der neusten Entlassungswelle bei Twitter sagen werden?
My 3yo is surprisingly good at Jenga.
Either that, or I'm extremely clumsy...
Nah, I'm sure he's just that good
The biggest hole in the Republican excuses is WHY Texas has a "Jenga" power system.
Because Texas refuses the back up of the National power system regulated by the Feds, because it means spending the money to bring the Texas "jenga" power system, IN LINE with federal standards, to prevent failures like this.
If the Feds were ALLOWED BY Texas to have any responsibility, Federal Standards would mean the Texas power systems wouldn't be JENGA!
#fools #jenga #power #buttigieg #Texas
56 Leonard Street (2008) by #AnishKapoor
#StreetPhotography #blackANDwhite #Monochrome #Photography #Architecture #Skyscraper #Manhattan #Sculpture #Tribeca #Jenga #Urban #NYC #Art
#anishkapoor #streetphotography #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #photography #architecture #skyscraper #manhattan #sculpture #tribeca #jenga #urban #nyc #art
We know that playing of the games #Jenga and #Catan often results in in spontaneous henging, but here’s another game I hadn’t seen before: the game called Pax Pamir. Be a 19th century Afghan leader!
Photo from @radoslaw_jan on Instagram. #Stonehenge