Via Wu Tang is for the Children @WUTangKids
Says the dumbass that got COVID when Rudy Giuliani farted on her
Ordinary Americans had death threats, and some even died, because of her lies.
#JennaEllis #Evil #NoMoreLies 🇺🇸
The only thing funnier than this mug shot is wondering how long it took them to talk #jennaellis out of doing the sorority squat.
#GeorgiaElection Case Co-Conspirator #JennaEllis Posts Smiling #Mugshot, #BibleVerses To Celebrate Surrender to Authorities
#georgiaelection #jennaellis #mugshot #bibleverses
(24 Aug) - Former Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Surrenders for Arrest in Fulton County #JennaEllis #Arrest #FultonCounty #FormerTrumpLawyer #Politics #TheMessenger #Politics #News
#news #themessenger #politics #formertrumplawyer #fultoncounty #arrest #jennaellis
Former Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Surrenders for Arrest in Fulton County
#JennaEllis #Arrest #FultonCounty #FormerTrumpLawyer #Politics #TheMessenger #Politics #News
#jennaellis #arrest #FultonCounty #formertrumplawyer #politics #themessenger #news
#JennaEllis is so dense I can't help feeling a little sorry for her. A useless nobody who got fired from traffic court for incompetence and somehow got hired by her hero, President Donald Trump, whom she mistakenly believed had normal human feelings. She is currently on his S-list for supporting DeSantis, and wonders why nobody is helping pay her lawyer.
@tdwllms1 @pivoinebleue #JennaEllis if she is going to share a cell with Rudy better wear a mask around his ass we all know what happened the last time
Smile! It's #Mugshot Week in #Georgia!
So far,
Have a great day! :)
#mugshot #georgia #johneastman #scotthall #davidshafer #cathylatham #kennethchesebro #raysmith #sydneypowell #rudygiuliani #jennaellis
#Fulton, #Georgia, #Mugshot, #SidneyPowell, #Kraken, #Powell, #JennaEllis, #Ellis, #Election2020
These two geniuses
#fulton #georgia #mugshot #sidneypowell #kraken #powell #jennaellis #ellis #election2020
#JennaEllis ’16: T••••‘s an “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag”
Nov. ’20: “we have over 500,000 votes (in Arizona) that were cast illegally”
@uspolitics #RudyGuilliani wouldn’t know #ScientificProof if he farted it all over #JennaEllis
#rudyguilliani #scientificproof #jennaellis
Former Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis reaches $100,000 bond agreement in Georgia #JennaEllis #GeorgiaIndictment #Georgia #Trump #TrumpIndictment #FultonCountyJail #FultonCounty #FaniWillis #politicaliq #news #politics
#jennaellis #georgiaindictment #georgia #trump #trumpindictment #fultoncountyjail #fultoncounty #faniwillis #politicaliq #News #politics
(22 Aug) - Trump’s former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees. #USA #TrumpLawyer #GeorgiaIndictment #LegalFees #JennaEllis #DefenseFunds #Politics #News
#news #politics #defensefunds #jennaellis #legalfees #georgiaindictment #trumplawyer #usa
Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.
#USA #TrumpLawyer #GeorgiaIndictment #LegalFees #JennaEllis #DefenseFunds #Politics #News
#usa #trumplawyer #georgiaindictment #legalfees #jennaellis #defensefunds #politics #news
Co-Defendant Jenna Ellis questions why Trump isn't paying her legal bills #JennaEllis #Trump #TrumpIndictment #Georgia #GeorgiaVote #FultonCounty #TrumpPAC #LegalFees #politicaliq #news #politics
#jennaellis #trump #trumpindictment #georgia #georgiavote #fultoncounty #trumppac #legalfees #politicaliq #News #politics
Via Wu Tang is for the Children @wutangkids
Where do they find these suckers that give them all this money
Jenna dear, time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps like y'all exhort the poors to do, and get a job. And a second, a third, a fourth, etc. to pay your bills. Slacker! Mooch!
A reminder about evangelical #JennaEllis : I know people like her: mean girls doesn’t cover how cruel.
And despite evidence and her admission in court she lied, she went on Twitter to claim she isn’t a liar, and accepted this job.
Evangelicals like these are devoid of appropriate shame.
“Humility? What’s that.” 🤮
#antichrist #narcissism
#jennaellis #antichrist #narcissism