A “perfect storm” is brewing in House in coming wks, could pose threat 2 #KevinMcCarthy’s speakership, Rep. #KenBuck (R) said Sun.
“On 1 hand, we’ve got 2 pass continuing resolution,” he said during interview on #MSNBC’s «Inside with #JenPsaki.» “We also have impeachment issue. & we also have members of House, led by #ChipRoy, who r concerned bout policy issues. They want riders, amendments in appropriations bills that guarantee some type o security on Southern border.
#kevinmccarthy #kenbuck #msnbc #jenpsaki #chiproy
Damn......#JenPsaki filling in for Chris Hayes tonight on #AllInWithChrisHayes ....she is effing GOOD!!!!!...I don't watch the Sunday shows but have to watch hers from now on on record.
#jenpsaki #allinwithchrishayes
#JenPsaki Trashes ‘Unapologetically Extreme’ #MomsForLiberty Over #Hitler Quote: ‘Aggressive Harassment’
#jenpsaki #momsforliberty #hitler
Representative #JaimieRaskin joins #JenPsaki for a wide-ranging interview, including the #DepartmentOfJustice's #Trump investigations, new revelations about #GOP witness #GalLuft, and #RayEpps' #defamation suit against #FoxNews
#jaimieraskin #jenpsaki #departmentofjustice #trump #gop #galluft #rayepps #defamation #foxnews #msnbc
Predator sequel https://snuggleduck.com/predator-sequel/ #KarineJean-Pierre #Democrats #jenpsaki
#jenpsaki #democrats #karinejean
#JenPsaki: Despite being a laughingstock, don’t ignore what #DeSantis is actually saying https://www.msnbc.com/inside-with-jen-psaki/watch/despite-being-a-laughingstock-don-t-ignore-what-desantis-is-actually-saying-177805893910
#JenPsaki Tells The Blunt Truth About #FoxNews
#AOC Tells #JenPsaki That #McCarthy is #MTG’s Puppet: Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘Running the Caucus’
Nothing of substance, other than: I don't like #JenPsaki, and I don't trust her, and I resent that white women continue to be given large media platforms over better educated Black women who also have much more experience.
Then again, from what I've read about Leslie Stahl's #60minutes interview with MTG, it's just a continuation of what's long been the norm.
Meanwhile, #TiffanyCross was fired for calling thins as they are.
#misogynoir #racism #TiffanyCross #60minutes #jenpsaki
@GJGreenlea This clip with #JenPsaki tells us so much about how Putin, through Trump, has disrupted US politics, as seen in #Speakerofthehouse debacle. And how well #Biden has nevertheless managed to govern. Thank goodness there are still some cool heads in #USpolitics and journalism.
#uspolitics #BidenGetsItDone #Speakerofthehouse
#jenpsaki #speakerofthehouse #biden #uspolitics #bidengetsitdone
Hunter Biden probe, impeachment could be 'politically helping the White House,' Jen Psaki argues
#impeachmentinquiry #hunterbideninvestigation #jenpsaki