Kotaku: These Expensive Headphones Come With Controversial Waifus https://kotaku.com/audiophile-headphones-reddit-chi-fi-iems-moondrop-1850387678 #gaming #tech #kotaku #philipsinearheadphone2fheadset #electricalengineering #consumerelectronics #electromagnetism #signalprocessing #inearmonitor #portiamunson #tonysoprano #headphones #jeremiah
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #philipsinearheadphone2fheadset #electricalengineering #consumerelectronics #electromagnetism #signalprocessing #inearmonitor #portiamunson #tonysoprano #headphones #jeremiah
Taylor Swift – Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar REACTION!!! https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1657017/global-beauties/
#BadBlood #BadBloodOfficial #j2rfamily #j2rfamilyreaction #j2rfamilyreacts #j2rreacts #jeremiah #Johnny #KendrickLamar #opinión #phụđềtiếngviệt #reaction #reactionvideo #SarikataDalamBahasaMalaysia #SubtitlesinTagalog #Subtitulosenespañol #TaylorSwift #TeksdalamBahasaIndonesia #türkçealtyazılı #उपशीर्षकहिंदीमें #คำบรรยายภาษาไทย #テイラー・スウィフト #日本語字幕 #泰勒斯威夫特 #泰勒絲 #테일러스위프트 #한글자막
#badblood #badbloodofficial #j2rfamily #j2rfamilyreaction #j2rfamilyreacts #j2rreacts #jeremiah #johnny #kendricklamar #opinion #phụdềtiếngviệt #reaction #ReactionVideo #sarikatadalambahasamalaysia #subtitlesintagalog #subtitulosenespanol #taylorswift #teksdalambahasaindonesia #turkcealtyazili #उपशीरषकहिंदीमें #คําบรรยายภาษาไทย #テイラー・スウィフト #日本語字幕 #泰勒斯威夫特 #泰勒絲 #테일러스위프트 #한글자막
📘 Trois motos ou quatre et Ave Caesar sont les 17e et 18e album de la saga Jeremiah signée Hermann.
📖 "Je t'assure, Montana. Si je l'avais revu, je te le dirais. Un type coiffé d'un casque avec une plume, ça ne passe pas inaperçu."
📝 Jeremiah et Kurdy affrontent des motards et un tyran qui se prend pour un empereur romain. Un monde sombre bien servi par les dessins caractéristiques d'Hermann.
#sfff #hermann #mastolivre #jeremiah #bd
The frog planters are not excited about Christmas. #photography #fotografia #fotografie #jeremiah #meh #LauraCochranPhotography
#lauracochranphotography #photography #fotografia #fotografie #jeremiah #meh
When's the last time your synagogue or Hebrew School taught about the prophet Jeremiah? Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) study is just as important as Talmud
#Jewish #Judaism #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #ReformJudaism #Masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #Jeremiah #Tanakh #Bible #HebrewBible #HebrewSchool #synagogue
#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #jeremiah #tanakh #bible #HebrewBible #hebrewschool #synagogue
🎄 Weihnachtsverlosung 🎄
Wir verlosen ein Buchpaket bestehend aus #SchwingenAusGoldUndFinsternis, #Fey und #Jeremiah, alle drei im Softcover!
Und fünf Mal eines unserer Ebooks (da ist dann auch #DieFehdeDerGezeiten dabei!).
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#schwingenausgoldundfinsternis #fey #jeremiah #DieFehdeDerGezeiten
Titanic: il Mistero del Messaggio nella Bottiglia di Jeremiah Burke – Vanilla Magazine #titanic #mistero #messaggio #bottiglia #jeremiah #burke #vanilla #magazine #22luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmFuaWxsYW1hZ2F6aW5lLml0L3RpdGFuaWMtaWwtbWlzdGVyby1kZWwtbWVzc2FnZ2lvLW5lbGxhLWJvdHRpZ2xpYS1kaS1qZXJlbWlhaC1idXJrZS8=
#22luglio #magazine #vanilla #burke #jeremiah #bottiglia #messaggio #mistero #titanic
‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’
-Jeremiah 33:3
#scripture #jeremiah #bible #godbless
God’s unceasing love – Forthright Magazine http://forthright.net/2021/05/28/gods-unceasing-love/
> Often when faced with extreme sorrow and pain people will express what they are feeling in poetry. Jeremiah did this when his city, Jerusalem, was destroyed.
#jeremiah #lamentations #bible
A bit disappointed in the comment on one of my favorite passages:
James McFerrin: Sep. 9. Signs from God | Forthright Fellowship Room http://fellowshiproom.com/sep-9-signs-from-god/
It is impressive that legal acts today are still recorded much the same way as they were thousands of years ago.