Jeremy Clarkson ziet beide Alpines uitvallen: "Team vroeg me nooit meer terug te komen" #F1 #Formule1 #RedBull #Alpine #JeremyClarkson
Original tweet: 16 Jul 2023 10:15 CEST
#jeremyclarkson #alpine #redbull #formule1 #f1
Jeremy Clarkson’s Sun article on Meghan was sexist, says press regulator #Newspapers&magazines #theDuchessofSussex #Pressregulation #JeremyClarkson #HarrietHarman #PrinceHarry #Newspapers #Society #Meghan #UKnews #Media #Women #Ipso
#newspapers #theduchessofsussex #pressregulation #jeremyclarkson #harrietharman #princeharry #society #meghan #uknews #media #women #ipso
Wat een held! Jeremy Clarkson! #F1 #Formule1 #CanadianGp #BWTAlpineF1Team #jeremyClarkson #RN365
Original tweet :
#rn365 #jeremyclarkson #bwtalpinef1team #canadiangp #formule1 #f1
🇬🇧 Rarely have I laughed as much as I did at the scenes with Gerald in #ClarksonsFarm 😂 This guy and his way of speaking are simply unmistakable 😂
🇵🇱 Rzadko śmieje się tak bardzo jak na scenach z Geraldem w #ClarksonsFarm 😂 Ten gość i jego sposób mówienia są po prostu niepowtarzalne 😂
#clarksonsfarm #jeremyclarkson
Anyone remember #jeremyclarkson writing right wing, inflammatory tosh in the Sun every week?
The #bbc did nothing until he actually assaulted a producer
Double standards? #GaryLineker
#jeremyclarkson #bbc #garylineker
#JeremyClarkson’s ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ to End With Next Season, ‘No Future Commitments’ for More Work, Says #ITV Boss
‘Clarkson’s Farm’ Ratings: Jeremy Clarkson Show Amazon’s Most-Watched – Deadline
#clarksonsfarm #jeremyclarkson #amazonprimevideo #meghanmarkle
#clarksonsfarm #jeremyclarkson #amazonprimevideo #meghanmarkle
I think Jeremy Clarksons Council are biased, and are showing local councils and councillors in a very bad light.
#jeremyclarkson #diddlysquatfarm
#JeremyClarkson is wrong to say food prices should increase. Inflation is already increasing prices on a daily basis. The UK taxpayer pays to subsidise farming. Then we pay VAT on top of the price for the food. So the average person pays 3 times for the food they eat. And then the establishment wonders why so many food banks are propping up the poorest in our society.
Clarkson's 'small' farming profits aren't the whole story.
#jeremyclarkson #Costoflivingcrisis
Going to watch Clarkson's Farm 2 tonight. 8 New episodes for 2023.
Highly recommend watching season 1 (first)
#JeremyClarkson #DiddlySquatFarm
#IMDb 9.0
#jeremyclarkson #diddlysquatfarm #imdb
Vandaag begonnen aan seizoen 2.
Inmiddels deel 5 en tot nu toe weer een erg leuk seizoen.
#aanrader #tvserie #jeremyclarkson #Clarkson
In „Your Place Or Mine“ bereiten uns Ashton Kutcher und Reese Witherspoon auf den Valentinstag vor. Die Goldstein-Girls treffen in der zweiten Staffel von „Deadlines“ ausgerechnet auf einer Beerdigung wieder aufeinander und Jeremy Clarkson versucht sich als Landwirt.
#AshtonKutcher #JeremyClarkson #ReeseWitherspoon #WasLäuftHeute
#ashtonkutcher #jeremyclarkson #reesewitherspoon #waslauftheute
Seems like S02 of #ClarksonsFarm will come out after all. #JeremyClarkson #Amazon #Prime
#clarksonsfarm #jeremyclarkson #amazon #prime
Has Jeremy Clarkson the KING OF CONTROVERSY heard "the year of the cat" wherein harmony has been called for? A witting and wotting original song by She And The Cat's Mother 🔴
🐈Did you know? the Vietnamese cat year starts 22 January 2023 to 9 February 2024🐈
🎧Stream/download this FUN song at Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify and other outlets🎧
🎨Jeremy Clarkson illustration by She And The Cat's Mother🎨
#jeremyclarkson #thekingofcontroversy #yearofthecat #vietnamesenewyear
To those who've asked if Clarkson's (non)apology changes anything- the answer is NO. We started this campaign due to the long history of hateful comments from #JeremyClarkson and #TheSun. Consequences are finally being felt for the first time in decades 2/4
Update on our #GoFundMe campaign against #JeremyClarkson and #TheSun: We're almost 95% to the £15k target! Our criminal and civil case preparation is progressing well; counsel officially instructed on the latter as of this week. 1/4
#gofundme #jeremyclarkson #thesun
TV pick of the day: Clarkson's Misogynist Farm
A mistake is putting on your jumper back to front, overwatering the plants…thinking up and writing a column full of hateful content, re reading and sending it off to your editors is a deliberate act. So don’t try and gaslight us into believing #JeremyClarkson is the victim here.
James O'Brien ruthlessly reconstructs Jeremy
Clarkson's apology to Harry and Megan
LBC James O'Brien
#MeganMarkle #JeremyClarkson #JamesOBrien
#jamesobrien #jeremyclarkson #meganmarkle