Two Palestinians, Qusay al-Walaji, 16, and Mohammed Nujoom, 25, were killed by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on the Aqaba Jabr refugee camp in Jericho Tuesday morning.
"The French news agency AFP reported that the two people killed in Jericho brings to 216 the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces so far this year."
#palestine #israel #westbank #jericho
#hudebni_okenko_z_valasska (38/x) Je, bohužel, mnoho hudebníků, kteří opustili tento svět v opravdu mladém věku. Někteří toho stihli za svůj krátký život víc, někteří míň, ale vždy je škoda, že neměli více času. 😔 Jedním z nich byl #David_Stypka. Je to o to smutnější, že smrt zasáhla v okamžiku, kdy se dostal do širšího povědomí ( díky duetu s #Eva_Farna - #Dobré_ráno_milá ) Myslím si, že například jeho písnička #Jericho by neměla zůstat v zapomnění.
#hudebni_okenko_z_valasska #david_stypka #eva_farna #dobre_rano_mila #jericho
New month, new thread. Fingers crossed, this book will be finished by the end of this month.
Day 1: Iniko - Jericho
#jericho #iniko #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Heute wieder ein neuer Beitrag in ReiseFreak's #ReiseMagazin und #ReiseBlog
Das Tote Meer – life at your own pace, Jordanien Teil 3
#Jordanien #ReiseBerichte #Atembungen #BergNebo #GelobtesLand #Geologie #Grabenbruch #HeilendeKrfte #Jericho #Jordan #Jordanien #Knigsstrae #Mineralien #PowerLuft #Salz #Salzgehalt #SaTaNaMa #Schlamm #SodomUndGomorra #TiefsterPunktDerErde #TotesMeer #Vitalitt
#vitalitt #TotesMeer #tiefsterpunktdererde #sodomUndGomorra #schlamm #satanama #salzgehalt #salz #powerluft #mineralien #knigsstrae #jordan #jericho #heilendekrfte #grabenbruch #geologie #gelobtesland #bergnebo #atembungen #Reiseberichte #jordanien #reiseblog #Reisemagazin
A commission for of their imp lad Jericho spending quality time with yours truly! It's gonna lead to a LOT more quality time... not that I'm complaining, mind you.
#jericho #imp #ultilix #lizard #nsfw #demon #comic #sex #instantloss #gay #oral #blowjob #cum #sizedifference #dubcon #mindbreak #gaysex #oralsex #naked #dick #magichands #commission
#jericho #imp #ultilix #lizard #nsfw #demon #comic #sex #instantloss #gay #oral #blowjob #cum #sizedifference #dubcon #mindbreak #gaysex #oralsex #naked #dick #magichands #commission
Die Band #Jericho ist im Dekanat #Schweinfurt gut bekannt, aber leider sehr rar geworden. Am kommenden Samstag, 22.7., spielen sie um 18 Uhr in der #Christuskirche #Schonungen. Nicht verpassen!
#schonungen #christuskirche #schweinfurt #jericho
Not sure how to break the news about ST: #Prodigy to the spousal unit. this was a sh*t move by #Paramount but I have to remember this is still the same company that canceled #Threshold after only a few episodes and barely gave #jericho a chance to wrap up #yeshiitsmeimbitter
#prodigy #paramount #threshold #jericho #yeshiitsmeimbitter
tot #Shooter in 2009 met #MarkWahlberg.
In 1983 is er een reünie van #TheBand met 10 jaar later de release van #Jericho en in 1998 hun laatste album #Jubilation.
In 1989 maakt Helm ook deel uit van de #RingoStarrAllStarrBand, en in 1990 treed Helm met The Band op bij het #TheWallLiveConcert te Berlijn.
Vanaf 2000 treed hij op met #TheMidnightRamblers vooral in The Barn, daar hij door keelkanker niet echt meer kan touren komen de grootste namen zelf naar hem.
Tot 2004 zou het duren dat hij
#shooter #markwahlberg #theband #jericho #jubilation #ringostarrallstarrband #thewallliveconcert #themidnightramblers
This song has been stuck in my head for 3 days and I’m not at all mad.
Love to see an emerging BIPOC artist (also Q/T I think) making waves. The #AfroFuturism vibes give me life 🔥
#afrofuturism #jericho #iniko #music
I just cannot get enough of "Jericho" . If you like poetry, do yourself a favor and find a quiet spot in the sun, put on headphones, and play this:
#iniko #jericho #music #poetry
Happy birthday singer, civil rights activist, and film icon Paul Robeson! Here’s some original fan art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #PaulRobeson #Singer #CivilRightsMovement #RedScare #RaceFilm #TheEmperorJones #BodyANdSoul #Jericho #SongOfFreedom #Art #MovieArt #Movies #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #paulrobeson #singer #civilrightsmovement #redscare #racefilm #theemperorjones #bodyandsoul #jericho #songoffreedom #art #movieart #movies #moviehistory
Global News BC: Not the Easter bunny: Public asked to keep clear of feral Jericho Beach rabbits #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #jerichobeachferalrabbits #vancovuerferalrabbits #jerichobeachrabbits #Feralrabbits #JerichoBeach #Environment #EasterBunny #feralrabbit #Jericho #Easter #Rabbit #Bunny
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #jerichobeachferalrabbits #vancovuerferalrabbits #jerichobeachrabbits #feralrabbits #jerichobeach #environment #easterbunny #feralrabbit #jericho #easter #rabbit #bunny
#9mm #Automatic #gun #idol #jericho #nijinoconquistador #nijicon #specialeffects #アイドル #ガンエフェクト #ジェリコ #でんぱ組 #ハドソン #プロップ #プロップガン #モデルガン #夢アド #根本凪 #発火 #虹コン #虹のコンキスタドール #虹彩征服少女 #鶴見萌
#9mm #automatic #gun #idol #jericho #nijinoconquistador #nijicon #specialeffects #アイドル #ガンエフェクト #ジェリコ #でんぱ組 #ハドソン #プロップ #プロップガン #モデルガン #夢アド #根本凪 #発火 #虹コン #虹のコンキスタドール #虹彩征服少女 #鶴見萌
@mattnik @living8bit @elan never watched #counterpart but really enjoyed #jericho when that was on.
@living8bit I'm not huge into reboots. How come no network can make a TV show that isn't junk anymore? #jericho and #counterpart were great and didn't last more than two seasons. We have 20 of survivor and Kardashians. Bleh.