The Living Daylights (1987)
⭐ Timothy Dalton, Maryam d'Abo, Jeroen Krabbé, Joe Don Baker, John Rhys-Davies, Art Malik
🎥 John Glen
🌍 St Michael Road, Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar 🇬🇮
#TheLivingDaylights #JamesBond #007 #JohnGlen #TimothyDalton #MaryamdAbo #JeroenKrabbe #JoeDonBaker #JohnRhysDavies #ArtMalik #StMichaelRoad #RockofGibraltar #Gibraltar
#thelivingdaylights #jamesbond #johnglen #timothydalton #maryamdabo #jeroenkrabbe #joedonbaker #johnrhysdavies #artmalik #stmichaelroad #rockofgibraltar #gibraltar
36 years ago:
Her Secret Life
Kate Capshaw plays a schoolteacher and suburban housewife who happens to be an ex-spy. Nobody knows of Capshaw's previous espionage activities, least of all her somewhat obtuse husband Cliff De Young. When Capshaw's ex-lover Jeroen Krabbe, an intimate of Castro, lands in a Cuban prison, she is swept...
#HerSecretLife #KateCapshaw #ValerieMahaffey #JeroenKrabbé #Movies
#hersecretlife #katecapshaw #valeriemahaffey #jeroenkrabbe #movies
The Living Daylights (1987)
⭐ Timothy Dalton, Maryam d'Abo, Jeroen Krabbé, Joe Don Baker, John Rhys-Davies, Art Malik
🎥 John Glen
🌍 Douglas Path, Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar 🇬🇮
#TheLivingDaylights #JamesBond #007 #JohnGlen #TimothyDalton #MaryamdAbo #JeroenKrabbe #JoeDonBaker #JohnRhysDavies #ArtMalik #DouglasPath #RockofGibraltar #Gibraltar
#thelivingdaylights #jamesbond #johnglen #timothydalton #maryamdabo #jeroenkrabbe #joedonbaker #johnrhysdavies #artmalik #douglaspath #rockofgibraltar #gibraltar
The Living Daylights (1987)
⭐ Timothy Dalton, Maryam d'Abo, Jeroen Krabbé, Joe Don Baker, John Rhys-Davies, Art Malik
🎥 John Glen
🌍 Douglas Path, Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar 🇬🇮
#TheLivingDaylights #JamesBond #007 #JohnGlen #TimothyDalton #MaryamdAbo #JeroenKrabbe #JoeDonBaker #JohnRhysDavies #ArtMalik #DouglasPath #RockofGibraltar #Gibraltar
#thelivingdaylights #jamesbond #johnglen #timothydalton #maryamdabo #jeroenkrabbe #joedonbaker #johnrhysdavies #artmalik #douglaspath #rockofgibraltar #gibraltar