Why don’t you just get a hotel room in a hotel already, Camilla the Chicken and Bobo the Bear from The Muppets? #Muppets #CamillatheChicken #JerryNelson #BobotheBear #BillBarretta
#muppets #camillathechicken #jerrynelson #bobothebear #billbarretta
Not anyone:
Absolutely not anybody:
Just kiss already Crazy Harry and Spamela Hamderson from The Muppets. #Muppets #CrazyHarry #JerryNelson #SpamelaHamderson #LeslieCarraraRudolph
#muppets #CrazyHarry #jerrynelson #spamelahamderson #lesliecarrararudolph
The whole internet agrees Dr. Teeth and Weasel should be together from The Muppets. #Muppets #DrTeeth #JimHenson #Weasel #JerryNelson
#muppets #drteeth #jimhenson #weasel #jerrynelson
Pa Gorg and Chuck from The Muppets - kiss when? #Muppets #PaGorg #JerryNelson #Chuck #FrankOz
#muppets #pagorg #jerrynelson #chuck #frankoz
The cutest couple from The Muppets is Gobo Fraggle and Marjory the Trash Heap. #Muppets #GoboFraggle #JerryNelson #MarjorytheTrashHeap
#muppets #gobofraggle #jerrynelson #marjorythetrashheap
Miss Piggy and Weasel from The Muppets. IYKYK. #Muppets #MissPiggy #FrankOz #Weasel #JerryNelson
#muppets #misspiggy #frankoz #weasel #jerrynelson
The whole gang agrees that Doc Bullfrog and Harrison Fox are the sweetest couple from The Muppets. #Muppets #DocBullfrog #JerryNelson #HarrisonFox #JimHenson
#muppets #docbullfrog #jerrynelson #harrisonfox #jimhenson
The whole fam agrees that Dr. Phil Van Neuter and Emmet Otter from The Muppets should get married. #Muppets #DrPhilVanNeuter #BrianHenson #EmmetOtter #JerryNelson
#muppets #drphilvanneuter #brianhenson #emmetotter #jerrynelson
Not anybody:
Absolutely not one individual:
Just get hitched already Yancy Woodchuck and Nigel from The Muppets. #Muppets #YancyWoodchuck #JerryNelson #Nigel #BrianHenson
#muppets #yancywoodchuck #jerrynelson #nigel #brianhenson
The whole squad agrees that Mama Fiama and Boober Fraggle from The Muppets should get married. #Muppets #MamaFiama #JerryNelson #BooberFraggle #DaveGoelz
#muppets #mamafiama #jerrynelson #booberfraggle #davegoelz
Cuddle already Floyd Pepper and George Rabbit from The Muppets 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 #Muppets #FloydPepper #JerryNelson #GeorgeRabbit #RichardHunt
#muppets #floydpepper #jerrynelson #georgerabbit #richardhunt
Wendell and Beard from The Muppets. That's it. That's the tweet. #Muppets #Wendell #DaveGoelz #Beard #JerryNelson
#muppets #wendell #davegoelz #beard #jerrynelson
Lew Zealand and Walter from The Muppets - kiss when? #Muppets #LewZealand #JerryNelson #Walter #PeterLinz
#muppets #lewzealand #jerrynelson #walter #peterlinz