Jerry Ordway is an awesome artist and professional. I think his work, as good as it is, is pretty underrated. Anyway, he got to draw one special of one of my favorite comic-books ever, Planetary, with a pretty great Warren Ellis script, and co-starring the JLA. It's got plenty of awesome scenes beautifully drawn and his storytelling borders perfection. Here's a nice splash, no spoilers.
#comicBooks #JerryOrdway #WarrenEllis #Planetary #JLA #DCComics
#dccomics #jla #planetary #warrenellis #jerryordway #comicbooks
The #Flash - The Flash Jay Garrick- by the great
#JerryOrdway -#JSA - #EarthTwo #GoldenAge #Comics - ⚖️#JusticeSociety of America 🇺🇸 - #GoldenAgeComics #ComicBooks
#comicbooks #goldenagecomics #JusticeSociety #Comics #goldenage #earthtwo #JSA #jerryordway #flash
The #Flash - The Flash Jay Garrick- by the great
#JerryOrdway -#JSA - #EarthTwo #GoldenAge #Comics - ⚖️#JusticeSociety of America 🇺🇸 - #GoldenAgeComics #ComicBooks
#comicbooks #goldenagecomics #JusticeSociety #Comics #goldenage #earthtwo #JSA #jerryordway #flash