"Everybody Loves a Lover" is a #popular #song which was a hit single for #DorisDay in 1958. Its lyricist, #RichardAdler, and its composer, #RobertAllen, were both best known for collaborations with other partners. The music Allen composed, aside from this song, was usually for collaborations with #AlStillman, and Adler wrote the lyrics after the 1955 death of his usual composing partner, #JerryRoss.
#popular #song #dorisday #richardadler #robertallen #alstillman #jerryross
"98.6" is a song #written by #TonyPowers (#lyrics) and #GeorgeFischoff (#music) and recorded by #Keith. It reached No. 7 on the Billboard chart and No. 24 on the #UKSinglesChart in 1967 and appeared on his 1967 album 98.6/Ain't Gonna Lie. #TheTokens, who had provided the backing vocals on Keith's debut single, "Ain't Gonna Lie", did the same for "98.6". Produced by #JerryRoss and arranged by #JoeRenzetti, it sold over one million copies worldwide.
#written #tonypowers #lyrics #georgefischoff #music #keith #uksingleschart #thetokens #jerryross #joerenzetti