The latest post of my "But Not Enough About Me" online newsletter recalls one of my early volunteer shifts at the Zen Hospice Project. #zen #hospice #jerryspringer
Kotaku: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Prequel Comic Pulls New Villain Into The ‘Gamerverse’ #gaming #tech #kotaku #alternativeversionsofspiderman #entertainment2cculture #spidermaninvideogames #spidermaninothermedia #actionadventuregames #fictionalcharacters #fictionalpeople #maryjanewatson #jerryspringer #doctoroctopus #milesmorales #feliciahardy #christosgage #peterparker #beat27emups #spiderman2 #tomholland #wilsonfisk
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #alternativeversionsofspiderman #entertainment2cculture #spidermaninvideogames #spidermaninothermedia #actionadventuregames #fictionalcharacters #fictionalpeople #maryjanewatson #jerryspringer #doctoroctopus #milesmorales #feliciahardy #christosgage #peterparker #beat27emups #spiderman2 #tomholland #wilsonfisk
"The Jerry Springer Show" was known for many things, but high on the list must be the ever-present "bleep" sound. Matthew Jordan writes for @TheConversationUS about the history of broadcasters bleeping profanity (it goes back to 1921) and the provocateurs who have used it for their own self-promotion.
#television #jerryspringer #history
Comedian #RichardThomas on his negotiations with the late #JerrySpringer to bring Jerry Springer: The #Opera to the stage.
#opera #jerryspringer #richardthomas
I wrote something on the iconic sounds of the #JerrySpringer show. #television #sound #media
Jerry Springer and the history of that [bleeping] bleep sound
#jerryspringer #television #sound #media
Toon in Monday
A look at the world Monday through the eyes of political cartoonists from across the glo
#copolitics #bidenharris2024 #jerryspringer
Three parts to this week's #WeaversWeek
It's the #Mastermind final, so we see the contestants learning, training, and (er) riding in a lift.
A tribute to #LenGoodman, the dance teacher from Dartford who became a cultural treasure with his honesty and gentle encouragement.
And a reflection on #JerrySpringer, his show's influence spread beyond daytime telly.
#jerryspringer #lengoodman #mastermind #weaversweek
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. 2023 NFL Draft #2023NflDraft
2. Jerry Springer #JerrySpringer
3. Indian Premier League #IndianPremierLeague
#2023nfldraft #jerryspringer #indianpremierleague
Fiery #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🎨 Tattoos
🔠 #Wordle
🥗 Fancy salads
📧 #SitecoreSend
🍞 Different flours
🪦 RIP #JerrySpringer
🤝 #SitecoreDX Boston
🧩 Front End As a Service
🦗 Nacho-flavored crickets
🚀 May 1 #Vercel product launch
🏆 #Sitecore Partner designations
🏝️ #SUGCONNA wishlist destinations
See you same time next week! 🥪🥗
#sugconna #sitecore #Vercel #sitecoredx #jerryspringer #sitecoresend #Wordle #sitecorelunch
Jerry Springer: Era-defining TV host dies aged 79
When ask what he was proud of, #jerryspringer said “I just try to be a good person. Everything else is vanity.”
Reading some of the things people have written recently about #JerrySpringer's toxic role in U.S. culture in the 90s, it occurred to me that a lot of people who think they're above his shtick may be getting a pretty similar thrill from the social-voyeuristic way they use social media.
For obvious reasons, rewatching this operatic classic.
Terugkijkend is het misschien wel zo dat #JerrySpringer met z'n tv-show vol geruzie de aanzet heeft gegevn tot, en een wezenlijke bijdrage heeft geleverd aan het gepolariseerde discours van vandaag de dag.
"Jerry Springer" was the most viewed wikipedia page on 27 April 2023, an impressive 1,857,733 times!