Gruppi di coloni aggrediscono palestinesi e attivisti israeliani in due raid in Cisgiordania.🧵1
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #11settembre #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #peace #NOwar
#IsraeliTerrorism #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #11settembre #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
No, they didn’t. No, he wasn’t. No, it didn’t. And no, it wasn’t. You’re welcome.
#lastnightoftheproms #lnotp #bbcproms #proms #jerusalem
Prosegue l'annessione de facto.
Due nuovi insediamenti a Gerusalemme Est: estensione di #GivatHamatos e creazione di #KidmatZion.🧵1/24
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #8settembre #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #peace #NOwar
#GivatHamatos #KidmatZion #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #8settembre #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
I coloni e le comunità di pastori.
“Questo è l'inizio di una vera e propria pulizia etnica. Siete stati avvertiti”.🧵1
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #7settembre #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #peace #NOwar
#ethniccleansing #GideonLevy #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #7settembre #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
Gestern Trapeznetz-Durchsicht für #Jerusalem von #AlanMoore bis zum aktuellen Stand erledigt. Bis nächstes Kapitel eintrifft gehts für mich also weiter mit crazy 70er-Jahre #ScienceFiction / #NewWave-Novelle weiter.
Jetzt, wo es offiziell ist, dass »Jerusalem« macht, kann ich zeigen, dass ich mir im Zuge der Übersetzung alles von Moore ans Bett gestellt habe.
Hole derzeit »Tom Strong« nach. Vielleicht der spaßigste, zugänglichste, lockerste Titel von Moore.
#jerusalem #alanmoore #sciencefiction #newwave
Ooooo! The #IsraelLobby is really gonna be pissed off with this ⤵️ being published!
“#UN committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of #Israel’s occupation: ‘The study is the most comprehensive and persuasive analysis of why the Israel #occupation has now become illegal,’ says former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk. ‘It will be the intellectual and political touchstone on #Palestine and international law for some time.’”
by Jeff Wright in @mondoweiss
“Last week, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) issued a study two years in the making: ‘The Legality of the #Israeli #Occupation of the #OccupiedTerritories, Including East #Jerusalem.’”
“Following a finding of #illegality, the study concludes that, according to international law:
the consequences should be the immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of Israel’s military forces; the withdrawal of colonial settlers; and the dismantling of the military administrative regime, with clear instructions that withdrawal of breach of an internationally wrongful act is not subject to negotiation. Full and commensurate reparations should be accorded to the affected Palestinian individuals, corporations and entities for the generational harm caused by Israel’s land and property appropriations, house demolitions, pillage of natural resources, denial of return, and other war crimes against humanity orchestrated for the colonialist, annexationists aims of an illegal occupant.”
#ApartheidIsrael #SettlerColonialism #IllegalOccupation #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #Racism #Fascism #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ChildTorture #ChildMurder #SexualAbuse #FalseImprisonment #GazaConcentrationCamp #CollectivePunishment #FreePalestine
#israellobby #un #israel #occupation #palestine #israeli #OccupiedTerritories #jerusalem #illegality #apartheidisrael #SettlerColonialism #illegaloccupation #ethniccleansing #genocide #racism #fascism #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #childtorture #childmurder #sexualabuse #falseimprisonment #gazaconcentrationcamp #collectivepunishment #freepalestine
Le scuole ONU a Gaza iniziano l'anno scolastico senza sapere se, per mancanza di fondi, potranno rimanere aperte.
"La crisi dei finanziamenti all'UNRWA lascia l'organizzazione senza i 200 milioni di dollari necessari per pagare gli stipendi del personale e mantenere i servizi in funzione fino alla fine del 2023."🧵1
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #1settembre #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #Peace #NOwar
#apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #1settembre #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
Quando la Corte Suprema israeliana agisce come un tribunale militare.
“La demolizione delle case è una punizione collettiva, un crimine di guerra.
La demolizione della casa della famiglia di un ragazzo di 13 anni è ancora più grave e inconcepibile.”🧵1
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #31agosto #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #Peace #NOwar
#apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #31agosto #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
#Archaeologists Find Mysterious 2,800-year-old Channels Near #TempleMount in #Jerusalem
#archaeologists #templemount #jerusalem
"Spogliati, picchiati e bendati dai militari israeliani, è questo il trattamento che ricevono i minori palestinesi detenuti: 4 minori su 5 sono picchiati e quasi la metà di loro è ferita al momento dell'arresto.
Tra le ferite ci sono quelle da arma da fuoco e fratture ossee. Alcuni denunciano violenze di natura sessuale e altri vengono trasferiti in tribunale o in centri di detenzione in piccole gabbie.
Lo rivela una nostra nuova ricerca dal titolo “#Injustice”. ."
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #30agosto #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #Peace
#injustice #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #30agosto #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace
August 30, 70 - #Titus ends the siege of #Jerusalem #Israel #history
#titus #jerusalem #israel #history
Gerusalemme, giugno-luglio 2023: Israele demolisce 105 strutture; 151 palestinesi, tra cui 65 minori, perdono le loro case.🧵1
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Israel #30agosto #fascismo #razzismo #Palestine #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem #PACE #Peace #NOwar via @YouTube
#apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #israel #30agosto #fascismo #razzismo #palestine #westbank #gaza #jerusalem #pace #peace #nowar
Jerusalem is the only city God said belongs to Him. Israel is the apple of His eye. This book is filled with photos taken in Jerusalem and Bethany and opens the way for understanding the importance of each place. It put a desire in their heart to want to travel there. Children will understand the importance of the city and learn about it. They will know the blessings that come with this city and it relates to the Bible.
Psalm 122:3-5
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #seejerusalem #bethany
#Jerusalem #photos #travel #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #Lazarustomb #ebook #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #seejerusalem #bethany #jerusalem #photos #travel #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #Lazarustomb #ebook #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #books