#MinJinLee (Pachinko, Free Food for Millionaires)
#LaurenGroff (Florida, Fates and Furies, Arcadia)
#AnthonyDoerr (All the Light we Cannot See; The Shell Collector)
#SeanGreer (Less, The Confessions of Max Tivoli)
#EmilyStJohn (Station Eleven, Sea of Tranquility)
#PhilippeDiederich (Playing for the Devil’s Fore, Sofrito)
#JesmynWard (Salvage the Bones; Sing, Buried, Sing)
#KhaledHosseini (Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns)
#BarbaraKingsolver (Poisonwood Bible)
#minjinlee #laurengroff #AnthonyDoerr #seangreer #emilystjohn #philippediederich #jesmynward #khaledhosseini #barbarakingsolver
As I am about to launch into my first encounter with Octavia Butler, I found this 12/7/22 article by Jesmyn Ward a powerful encouragement.
"How to Survive in Broken Worlds: Jesmyn Ward on Octavia Butler’s Empathy and Optimism"
Ward's brief bio is here: https://lithub.com/author/jesmyn-ward/
#SpeculativeFiction #SF #AmReading #OctaviaButler #JesmynWard
#jesmynward #octaviabutler #amreading #sf #speculativefiction