"Don't Let Go" is a song written by #JesseStone. The song was first a hit for #RoyHamilton in 1958. The Roy Hamilton version reached number 2 on the #R_B charts and number 13 on the #pop charts.
#jessestone #royhamilton #r_b #pop
"Shake, Rattle and Roll" is a song, written in 1954 by #JesseStone (usually credited as Charles Calhoun, his songwriting name). The original recording by #BigJoeTurner is ranked number 127 on the #RollingStone magazine's list of #The500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#jessestone #bigjoeturner #rollingstone #the500greatestsongsofalltime
Imagine being an #Author and expecting a #Movie to reproduce the story you thought up and wrote. It doesn't happen.
#RobertBParker joyfully cried at the #TomSelleck #JesseStone movies, but #Selleck's version of the character was much older than Parker wrote, adapted to Selleck's age. Also important to note, Parker didn't write the Jesse Stone screenplays, having learned screenwriting wasn't his strong suit.
#author #movie #robertbparker #tomselleck #jessestone #selleck
Feral And Wild (Disruptive Films) #jessestone #luccamazzi #prison #disruptivefilms https://tinyurl.com/2yy4z5z3
#jessestone #luccamazzi #prison #disruptivefilms
#AceAtkins won a competition to write #Spenser w/ 50 sample pages. The first #JesseStone continuation author, #MichaelBrandman, got that job b/c he'd worked on the #TomSelleck Jesse Stone #Movies. #RobertKnott likewise got the job to continue #RobertBParker's Cole & Hitch #Novels b/c he'd co-written the movie adaptation of #Appaloosa.
#aceatkins #spenser #jessestone #michaelbrandman #tomselleck #movies #robertknott #robertbparker #novels #appaloosa
I also like the #TomSelleck #JesseStone #TV movies, but he plays an older Stone by necessity. Stone in #MikeLupica's continuations is about the age he is in the movies, with a grown son introduced by #ReedFarrelColeman.
#tomselleck #jessestone #tv #mikelupica #reedfarrelcoleman