It's been a week since I managed to finish any drawing work. It's been a busy week, including testing out some new medication and visiting my grandma, but here it is, clothes I wore last week
#stillife #clothes #dftba #pizzajohn
#art illustration #digitalart #MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober
#drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt #DigitalArt #art #pizzajohn #dftba #clothes #stillife
I'm still horribly late on drawtober things, but I do have a little dragon here. It's glaucus atlanticus a fabulous sea dragon! The silver groat of Henry VIII. is pretty much to scale.
#nature #marinelife #seaslug #coinage #silvergroat
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #MastoArt #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21
#jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #MastoArt #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #silvergroat #coinage #seaslug #marinelife #nature
Hoo boy I'm late on posting this... Its a hot warrior pestered by spooky grape ghosts... Don't ask why. I'm tired and I'm pain...
#grapes #ghosts #warrior #hell #fire
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #fire #hell #warrior #ghosts #grapes
Because I'm quite late on drawtober by now I'm tempted to count this portrait of Kira Nerys with vampire teeth for prompts 7 through 11... A Vampire, she definitely has bones (assuming this isn't actually a Founder), she is a friend to someone at least, she's a fictional character, and I think having 2 eyes is plenty...
#startrekds9 #ds9 #kiranerys #fanart #portrait #vampire
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #MastoArt #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21
#jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #MastoArt #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #vampire #portrait #FanArt #kiranerys #ds9 #startrekds9
Running another day late, but I do have something loud. Yodelling is loud, especially at night...
This really ist mostly a landscape painting really, from an idea I got while watching Howl's Moving Castle
#landscape #yodel #loud #vierwaldstättersee
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #vierwaldstättersee #loud #yodel #landscape
Drawing a starry night? Might as well do an artist study of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. What did I learn? I do not like drawing like this, it's just too high effort
#artiststudy #vangogh #starrynight
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #starrynight #vangogh #artiststudy
Redrawing something I've already drawn? Sure as hell can do. This is actually a new interpretation of one of my first ever digital art pieces!
#smoke #salinasvalley #fireglow #moonlight
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt #moa
#moa #MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #moonlight #fireglow #SalinasValley #smoke
Does an opossum count as a modern witch? I think opossums are incredibly modern. On day 3 I'm Experimenting a bit with different textured brushes, mostly using a gouache brush here
#opossum #witch #modernwitch #witchhat
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #witchhat #modernwitch #witch #opossum
It's day two of drawtober and I'm already exhausted. Am I putting in too much effort? Almost certainly, but I like to go all in on some things feathered
#bird #ivorybilledwoodpecker #woodpecker #sewingmachine #singer
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #drawtober #drawtober2021 #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober2021 #drawtober #digitalpainting #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #singer #sewingmachine #woodpecker #ivorybilledwoodpecker #bird
It's a Halloween self portrait because for some reason I'll sorely regret in a few days, I decided to join in the drawtober fun. This is based on the jessethejoyful's prompt list
#poppy #insect #halloween #portrait #selfportrait
#art #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawtober #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #MastoArt
#MastoArt #jessethejoyfuldrawtober21 #drawtober #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #DigitalArt #illustration #art #selfportrait #portrait #halloween #insect #poppy