"Jess Phillips is not racist, Labour's Bridget Phillipson says after online row"
If I were to call Katharine Birbalsingh an imbecile, would I too be guilty of 'unconscious bias'?
#racism #UnconsciousBias #KatharineBirbalsingh #MsSniffy #JessPhillips
#racism #unconsciousbias #katharinebirbalsingh #mssniffy #jessphillips
Labour MP Jess Phillips to give talk in Burntwood
#Lichfield #Burntwood #News #Politics #JessPhillips #KathyCoeMBE #LabourParty
#lichfield #burntwood #news #politics #jessphillips #kathycoembe #labourparty
Today #jessphillips read the list of women killed by men in the past year. Nothing is changing. It’s not good enough #womensrights #violencetowardswomen #suellabraverman #toryincompetence. Bravo Jess!
#jessphillips #womensrights #violencetowardswomen #toryincompetence #suellabraverman
Just spent an hour searching for twitter people on #mastodon. Came up sadly short. @tomcoates@twitter.com yes, @rebeccablood@twitter.com yes. But missing #jessphillips, #smcleod, others. Please consider dipping your toes in the #mastodon pool.
#mastodon #jessphillips #smcleod