Jesus fucking Christ, we’re not actually fucking voting for Paul fucking Vallas, are we? #chicago #jesusfuckingchrist
This goes into the #JesusFuckingChrist file. It seems to me that the only way will act on the #Gunz Epidemic is if it impacts on one's ability to get #TaylorSwift tickets.
#jesusfuckingchrist #gunz #taylorswift
I’ve seen a few posts begin “can we please refrain from”, to which I have a visceral wave of nausea and indignation. Like some internet rando gets to tell all of Mastodon or humanity off for their pet peeve. Whatever your damage is, A) I’m probably not doing it. 2) you don’t speak for me, And C) I aggressively don’t care. And it’s super passive aggressive language. How about “I dislike it when this, because this, this alternative. Kaythanxbye” #jesusfuckingchrist #Karen.