Woot, my very first #Jetpenshaul is here!
#jetpenshaul #jetpens #fountainpens
Another beginner #FountainPen question: I've got a Pilot Metropolitan (or will once my #jetpens order finally gets here). Can one easily switch between ink cartridges once they've been started (say, to switch colors/inks), or will the cartridge just make a mess everywhere and dry out if you uninstall it before it's empty? Thanks!
Sometime today a little package arrives from #JetPens that contains 6 or 7 ink cartridges for my new pen. The inks are all purple. đź’ś My exciting plans for the evening involve sitting with this pile 'o pen cartridges, loading each one and trying them out on different paper and deciding which purple ink is The Best, while also watching Star Trek TNG (on Season 4 now). I could make some cocoa too! Oh wow. Cocoa, Picard, and discovering the perfect purple ink cartridge! WHAT A NIGHT!
(no seriously)
I ❤️ JetPens
Seriously just the idea that I can go to a well-organized website with an intuitive interface and search for pen refills as specific as blue or purple or turquoise ink, ballpoint, tip size .5 or .7mm, conical, oil-based ink……it’s just…..the most wonderful and pen-nerdiest thing and it makes me so goofily happy, thank you everyone at JetPens for giving me such joy.
I may have done a tiny splurge at https://jetpens.com to celebrate learning uncial insular script. I couldn’t help it! #JetPens #Calligraphy #Uncial
Hoo hoo my fellow stationary/journal nerds, I just spotted Jennifer Garner using the passport sized Traveler's notebook on the show The Last Thing He Told Me. I've never seen one on a TV show before. She had it set up right, too!
I rarely shared these little goofy things I nerd out on before I got to Mastodon. No one is ever interested. But I'm hoping there's at least one other Traveler's notebook fan on Mastodon somewhere.
#stationary #journal #TravelersNotebook #JapaneseStationary #JetPens
#stationary #journal #travelersnotebook #japanesestationary #jetpens
My bonus present to myself: some writing stuff from #jetpens ! I like the new ink a lot, J Herbin is lovely.
Jet Pens is a WONDERFUL San Jose-based purveyor of high quality pens, pencils, stationary, etc. I have bought all my mechanical pencils, leads, and ink pens from them x 3 yrs.
Their customer service is exceptional; the site has scores of videos comparing and rating products, tech support.
I don't know anywhere else to source quality leads for my mechanical and clutch pencils. And YES their pencil boxes are AMAZING.
Watching all these pens in JetPens videos makes me drool and buy them all, even though I barely write a page in a week. đź–Š
Also, every day I'm sad we don't have a #JetPens equivalent in Europe. I love them but the shipping values are tragic
Recently migrated here <twirls, curtsies>, may I #interest you in an #introduction list?
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#OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebDev
#nasa #astronomy
#lichen #moss #nature #forest
#knitting #fiberarts #spinning
#RavDrum #ukulele
#ChronicIllness #ADHD
#walking #bicycles #sustainability #solarpunk
#JetPens #watercolor #PenAndInk #UrbanSketching
#minimalism (lol - except with lists)
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