Mixed feelings about how Ryan Hall presents #weather but he often explains #systems really well, so I can picture what's going on. He explains the #instability that will come out of the current giant pile of heat in #NorthAmerica's #Midwest so that I had a very good grasp of how each system affects the other.
#Hurricane #tornado #thunderstorm #heatDome #jetstream #Franklin
Watch "This Weather Pattern Will Be Bizarre…" on YouTube
#weather #systems #instability #northamerica #midwest #hurricane #tornado #thunderstorm #heatdome #jetstream #franklin #tropicalweather
JET STREAM 福山雅治 2023.08.16 https://www.magmoe.com/936274/celebrity/2023-08-18/
#JETSTREAM #MasaharuFukuyama(MusicalArtist) #ジェットストリーム #福山雅治
#jetstream #masaharufukuyama #ジェットストリーム #福山雅治
::: Firefox beats Google Chrome now in SunSpider benchmark :firefox:
Chrome still wins Firefox over JetStream 2.0 benchmark - but the trends dwell in changes apparently.
Will we see a new glorious era of Firefox there in the horizon again?
Firefox is an open source browser - it's code & doings therefore can be audited - Google Chrome operates much in closed secrecy...
#Firefox #browsers #benchmark #SunSpider #JetStream #Google #Mozilla
#firefox #browsers #benchmark #SunSpider #jetstream #google #mozilla
Firefox beats Google Chrome now in SunSpider benchmark :firefox:
Chrome still wins Firefox over JetStream 2.0 benchmark - but the trends dwell in changes apparently.
Will we see a new glorious era of Firefox there in the horizon again?
Firefox is an open source browser - it's code & doings therefore can be audited - Google Chrome operates much in closed secrecy...
#Firefox #browsers #benchmark #SunSpider #JetStream #Google #Mozilla
#firefox #browsers #benchmark #SunSpider #jetstream #google #mozilla
Bei heise gibt's gerade einen schönen Artikel, der mal erklärt, wie das mit dem #Jetstream so funktioniert und warum wir gerade seit Wochen Herbstwetter haben.
Dieses Phänomen dürfen wir ja schon seit ein paar Jahren beobachten, und das wird nicht besser.
Starkregen in Nordeuropa vs. Hitze in Südeuropa: Wie der Jetstream die aktuelle Wetterlage beeinflusst, erklärt unser Autor Hajo Neubert @ScienceComments.
#Jetstream #Wetter #Klima #Hitze #Überschwemmung #Regen
(Bild: Piyaset/Shutterstock.com)
#regen #uberschwemmung #Hitze #klima #wetter #jetstream
Tails Tuesday 2 8th August 2023
G-4-027/N314UE, British Aerospace Jetstream 41, Atlantic Coast Airlines, in United Airlines colours, on static display at Woodford Airshow, 25th June 1994.
#Manchester #Woodford #EGCD #airshow #BritishAerospace #BAE #Jetstream #J41 #AtlanticCoastAirlines #UnitedAirlines
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #Woodford #egcd #airshow #britishaerospace #bae #jetstream #j41 #atlanticcoastairlines #unitedairlines #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
2. It is stupid and wrong to think that, whilst rest of world suffers, we will thrive. Yes the whole thing is profoundly uneven and unjust, but we are all connected, from global food systems to migration etc etc etc - we will not thrive here whilst everything else falls to pieces
3. There are signs that #Jetstream #Gulfstream #AMOC changes might mean that we end up having a much colder climate, and anyway far more turbulence; it will not just be "I.5C warmer here". In short
We COULD have had "life as we know it", with different energy sources, different building styles & different types of transportation. Some of us have been saying this for years. It's not that much of a stretch to follow a path of logic using known scientific principals to see how pumping the quantity of burned fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere for as long as we have would completely fuck up the planet systems and balance that is so precarious at the best of times.
The refusal of corporations to fund and develop these better forms of energy, thereby forcing anyone that participates in society to use them is causing a spiralling collapse of both human and natural systems simply by the immense amount of crap that is pumped into the atmosphere.
The average person is kept too busy, tired, distracted and broke, along with campaigns of disinformation and misinformation, to be able to effectively fight the powers that be.
NOW, thanks to the greed and complacency of humans, life will not be "as we know it" ever again. We will fight for survival with radically different systems. We will be scrambling to find livable spaces, fighting over resources, shooting each other over both of these with warfare and the decline won't take that long. Then the fight over overpopulation won't be relevant anymore because there will be a much reduced population anyway. And all the beautiful things we've created over the centuries will surely be lost along with much of the natural world. Thanks ya fuckers, it didn't have to be this way.
#ClimateBreakdown #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDisaster #Wildfires #Floods #Hurricanes #Tornadoes #BlueOceanEvent #JetStream
#climatebreakdown #climatecatastrophe #climatedisaster #wildfires #floods #hurricanes #tornadoes #BlueOceanEvent #jetstream
If you are using #Divi theme on #WordPress, the menu’s are still an issue on mobile (apparently 4 years on). The fix is simple as someone posted on StackOverflow:
.et_mobile_menu {
And now back to fixing my #Blade #Jetstream menu :)
#divi #wordpress #blade #jetstream
Just added the article here about the distort #JetStream
#icemelt #icesheet #greenland #arctic #jetstream
The #jetstream, the narrow band of westerly winds circling the northern hemisphere, is stagnating, giving rise to severe #heat across much of the globe, and #climatechange may be making it worse, a new study finds. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39466-6.epdf?sharing_token=3eLEnz2T7EtgB4ShHP6PpdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0OUNsDZZAQ0mXHRo939slJR5kLfUQtRF4XQoPF-vXv_yunUFq5H1IJrDeDHCdK4wEFHePKP8XzSSuQMf8VyVoq0EIzVLQlWMNeOEQv5cQOaq-upipyeTTs5yKotyPTMp7I%3D
#jetstream #heat #climatechange
The #jetstream, the narrow band of westerly winds circling the northern hemisphere, is stagnating, giving rise to severe #heat across much of the globe, and #climatechange may be making it worse, a new study finds. https://e360.yale.edu/digest/jet-stream-climate-change-heat-wave
#jetstream #heat #climatechange
The #jetstream, the narrow band of westerly winds circling the northern hemisphere, is stagnating, giving rise to severe #heat across much of the globe, and #climatechange may be making it worse, a new study finds. https://e360.yale.edu/digest/jet-stream-climate-change-heat-wave
#ClimateChange #heat #jetstream
@rapunzellet I'm in the #YorkshireDales with horizontal rain outside.. seriously thinking of getting my heated blanket out while I'm working on a funding application. Welcome to the world of the wobbly #JetStream - will probably be 40+ degrees here in a few weeks time.
Bonus Photo of the Day 19th July 2023.
G-AXUI, Handley-Page HP-137 Jetstream Mk.1, Cranfield, Cranfield University, taxiing at Manchester Woodford, 25th March 1993.
#Manchester #Woodford #EGCD #HandleyPage #HP137 #Jetstream #Cranfield
avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #Woodford #egcd #handleypage #hp137 #jetstream #cranfield #aviation #planespotting #photography
The bananas jet stream. The meanders are getting out of hand.
@GirlInSpace seems like emissions get #Jetstream'd around the polar circle...
#ClimateChange disrupting #JetStream, causing #ExtremeHeat around the #globe . #ClimateCrisis #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #FridaysForFuture #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #ForestsAreNotRenewable #TomorrowIsTooLate #StopEACOP #StopWillow #NoMoreDrilling #FossilFuel #ETC #EnergyCharterTreaty https://youtu.be/V_YZ9R5cPl8
#ClimateChange #jetstream #extremeheat #globe #climatecrisis #endfossilfuels #fastfairforever #fridaysforfuture #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #forestsarenotrenewable #tomorrowistoolate #stopeacop #stopwillow #nomoredrilling #fossilfuel #etc #energychartertreaty
Da, im Hessischen Rundfunk (TV) erklären sie gerade, warum der #Jetstream nicht mehr in seinen gewohnten Bahnen verläuft.