L'avion du futur ou quand les ingénieurs douchent les projections des communicants. Exemple à l'appui : Blended Wing Body (BWB) à mi-chemin entre l’avion classique et l’aile volante. #BWB #ailevolante #LockheedMartin #ScaledComposite #JetZero #avgeek
#bwb #ailevolante #lockheedmartin #scaledcomposite #jetzero #avgeek
#US #AirForce says it has picked aviation startup #JetZero to design and build a full-size demonstrator aircraft with a #BlendedWingBody or BWB, configuration. The goal is for the #aircraft, which has already received the informal moniker #XBW1, to be flying by 2027. It could help inform requirements for the Next-Generation Air Refueling System (#NGAS) and Next-Generation Airlift (#NGAL) programs, which the Air Force is still in the process of refining.
#us #airforce #jetzero #blendedwingbody #aircraft #xbw1 #ngas #ngal
L'US Air Force e JetZero collaborano per un aereo ad ala mista che promette efficienza e sostenibilità. Questa tecnologia potrebbe cambiare il volto dell'aviazione (non solo militare) a partire dal 2027.
#alamista #jetzero #aviazione #futuro #airforce #usa
JetZero et Northrop Grumman viennent de remporter un contrat pour un démonstrateur "Blended Wing Body" à l'horizon 2027.
#JetZero #Northrop Grumman #USAF #BWB
Les années 2030 seront-elles (enfin) celles des avions à fuselages intégrés ? à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/les-annees-2030-seront-elles-enfin-celles-des-avions-a-fuselages-integres — #technologie #2030 #développement #écologie #aviondetransport #études #2035 #avionàfuselageintégré #bwb #blendedwingbody #jetzero #z5
#technologie #developpement #ecologie #aviondetransport #etudes #avionafuselageintegre #bwb #blendedwingbody #jetzero #z5
Jetzero received funding from the US Air Force to develop a Blended Wing Body. There are concepts to use it in civil aircraft, too. This might change how we fly. 🛫
#Jetzero #USAirForce #BlendedWingBody #CivilAircraft #Fly
#jetzero #usairforce #blendedwingbody #civilaircraft #fly
Seven innovative new planes are pushing the boundaries of sustainability in aviation. The planes use different technologies, such as hydrogen fuel, battery power, and blended-wing design, to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. The planes aim to help the industry achieve its goal of net-zero carbon by 2050.
#JetZero #SustainableAviation #NewPlanes
#jetzero #sustainableaviation #newplanes
Pretty strong report on the unsustainability of so-called "sustainable aircraft fuels" #SAF from the Royal Society. They point out that there is nothing that even approaches #jetzero at the moment. Yet they still cling to the utopian dream that tech will save us. https://royalsociety.org/news/2023/02/net-zero-aviation-fuels-report/
RT @Miatsf@twitter.com
Today, as London swelters and fires rage in Europe due to the #climatecrisis (the primary contributor to which is aviation), our gov’t is effectively endorsing unlimited aviation growth in its #JetZero strategy.
This is mind-blowing, out of touch with the public, and dangerous.