Bread and Circuses · @breadandcircuses
2308 followers · 2934 posts · Server

@erchanda @whvholst @reinouts
Yes, I agree!
(Although it's actually )


Last updated 2 years ago

"Ohne -Effekt und Wachstum funktioniert dieses Wirtschaftssystem nicht." in der Praxis: warum die bei uns bisher kaum zu weniger Verbrauch geführt hat und das in Zukunft auch nicht passieren wird:

#energiekrise #klimakollaps #klimakrise #TalkCollapse #Effizienzsteigerung #jevonsparadox #rebound

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Respect ❤️ Unity · @freeschool
162 followers · 4002 posts · Server

Jevons Paradox -

TLDR= Adding highways as Tech 'solutions' only for them to fill up...

Answer= Focus on actions - not on measurements...


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2 related notes / posts
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Nov 22, 2022

Brent Toderian @BrentToderian

"Adding highway lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." - Lewis Mumford in 1955.

We’ve known this for a long time, but we’ve put a massive amount of money, space, time & energy into pretending we don’t know it.

2. " Focus on actions - not on measurements... "

A Plea for Climate Justice - Report from the IAB Workshop on e-Impact
Vesna Manojlovic — 19 Dec 2022

This resulted in suggestions that were well received by workshop chairs and quoted in the follow-up sessions:

10% yearly decrease of energy & materials consumption for ICT;
Focus on actions - not on measurements;
Support for adding "Sustainability Considerations" section to each RFC!

what should be considered "the Internet": core? edge? whole ICT?

I also disagree with a focus of this paper* on "increasing energy efficiency" , because I believe that the focus should be on decreasing the consumption.


While I do find encouraging the existence of a group of technology vendors, service and content providers would be interested in "Greening of Streaming", I find their focus on increasing energy efficiency is misguided, because of "efficacy myth"♢ and Jevons paradox☆.

#traffic #cities #jevonsparadox #transportation #cars #induceddemand #lawofcongestion #mobility #urbanism #tech #congestion #urbanplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fromont · @robertfromont
83 followers · 483 posts · Server

Of the topics that were new to me, the most thought-provoking so far has been the :

Increase in efficiency of the use of some resource doesn't generally result in the reduction of the use of that resource, but rather an *increase* in its use.

The original example is the Watt Engine: once this device made burning coal more efficient, burning coal increased.

Got me thinking about a bunch of unquestioned assumptions of mine... 🤔


Last updated 2 years ago

PhilRandal · @PhilRandal
453 followers · 1487 posts · Server
Shintaro Miyazaki · @kontratanz
307 followers · 29 posts · Server

"Between 1998 and 2012, fridges and freezers became 75% more energy efficient, washing machines 63%, laundry dryers 72%, and dishwashers 50%. However, energy use in the EU-28 in 2015 was only slightly below the energy use in 2000 [...] [A]fter decades of continuous growth, energy use in the EU decreased slightly between 2007 and 2014, only to go up again in 2015 and 2016 when economic growth returned." from via


Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
11672 followers · 198 posts · Server

“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”

The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.

#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
11332 followers · 183 posts · Server

“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”

The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.

#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
11330 followers · 183 posts · Server

“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”

The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.

#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
11328 followers · 183 posts · Server

“It's well-demonstrated that you can't build your way out of traffic congestion by building roads — the more you build, the more people drive. As the saying goes, building more lanes to address congestion is like loosening your belt to address obesity.”
The Law of Traffic Congestion, according to “The Flash!” My Planetizen article.

#flash #jevonsparadox #inducedtraffic #car #city #congestion #traffic #transportation #urbanism #cars #cities #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Felix van Hoften · @felixvanhoften
12 followers · 2 posts · Server

Efficiency only works with sufficiency.
If this technology is going to be promising, great! But we really need to discuss the implications, otherwise we will see our Material Footprint only rise.

#jevonsparadox #biodiversitycrisis #cop15

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
9159 followers · 137 posts · Server

“We found that there’s this perfect one-to-one relationship. If a city increased its road capacity by 10%, then the amount of driving in that city went up by 10%.” One of the earliest, and still one of the best articles on why building bigger roads just leads to more driving. Call it , or , or the . Via WIRED, it’s worth a read and share.

#cars #city #urbanism #transportation #cities #lawofcongestion #jevonsparadox #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Critical Mass Wuppertal · @cmwpt
174 followers · 1297 posts · Server
Molly Anglin · @mollyanglin
104 followers · 66 posts · Server

is the tendency to consume more as systems become more efficient. In what ways can (proxy) include better feedback loops on resource-intensive requirements?

#jevonsparadox #productowners #sustainbleweb #agile #greenit #businessanalysis

Last updated 2 years ago

Matti Pihlajamaa · @mattipihlaj
96 followers · 12 posts · Server

Jevons Paradox in action:

- Installation of new heating-related insulation equipment in 55k households in England and Wales

- Initially: gas use is reduced

- In 2-4 years: energy savings have disappeared

#energy #sustainability #rebound #jevonsparadox #efficiency

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
7785 followers · 70 posts · Server

"Adding highway lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." - Lewis Mumford in 1955.

We’ve known this for a long time, but we’ve put a massive amount of money, space, time & energy into pretending we don’t know it.

#cars #urbanplanning #urbanism #mobility #transportation #jevonsparadox #cities #congestion #traffic #lawofcongestion #induceddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14676 posts · Server

@mathew Software and software development tools are tools and methods for managing complexity.

Or, paraphrased: Software makes complexity cheaper.

And as William Stanley Jevons noted, if you make something cheaper, you induce a demand for more of that thing.

Software complexity is a constraint budget. And so long as we're making complexity cheaper, that budget is relaxed, and the amount of complexity increases. Up to the point that it's no longer tractable, at which point a new equilibrium point is reached.

Or, in the alternative, if you follow the logic of Joseph Tainter, until the capacity to sustain that complexity itself degrades or is perturbed beyond its capacity to recovery, and the whole house of cards collapses.

@rysiek @bob @TheGibson

#complexity #jevonsparadox #software #JosephTainter #collapse

Last updated 2 years ago

h2owasser🌊 · @h2owasser
227 followers · 2005 posts · Server


Verstehe ich nicht. Das der nicht funktioniert ist doch nicht sehr überraschend. (Und selbst wenn er funktionieren würde, fände ich ihn nicht gut, der er sowas wie das Gegenteil eines CO2-Preises bedeuten würde.) - Warum allerdings ein CO2-Preis zwangsläufig zu mehr Technik (oder Effizienz) führen MUSS, verstehe ich nicht. Das man dieses aber so ausgestalten KANN, verstehe ich schon.

#Reboundeffekte #jevonsparadox #Tankrabatt

Last updated 2 years ago

Warum ein -Preis sinnlos ist: Das damit eingenommene Geld verschwindet ja nicht aus dem System, sondern wird vom Staat auf die eine oder andere Art wieder ausgegeben und kurbelt damit die Wirtschaft an.
Mit dem CO2-Preis verbundene Energie-Einsparungen führen an anderer Stelle zu Mehrverbrauch.

#jevonsparadox #reboundeffekt #co2

Last updated 2 years ago

Heiko Bielinski · @heibie
526 followers · 11691 posts · Server


A perfect illustration of why electric vehicles won’t get us where we need to be. They makes us think it’s ok to have even bigger vehicles & drive even more because they’re “green,” erasing the benefits of the better tech. It’s called .

Fewer cars, less driving.



Last updated 3 years ago