RFK Jr. Blasted for Suggesting COVID 'Ethnically Targeted' to Spare Jews
#RFKJr #COVIDEthnicTargeting #JewishCommunity #COVIDConspiracyTheories #Misinformation #PublicHealth #Politics #News
#rfkjr #covidethnictargeting #jewishcommunity #covidconspiracytheories #misinformation #publichealth #politics #news
Antisemitism is surging across US. Biden just took a historic step to fight it.
#USAOpinion #AntisemitismSurge #BidenFightsBack #HistoricStep #StopHate #JewishCommunity #Politics #News
#usaopinion #antisemitismsurge #bidenfightsback #historicstep #stophate #jewishcommunity #politics #news
It seems likely #georgesantos will be kicked out of #congress some of his lies are deeply cruel #jewishcommunity the #NorthShoreLeader smelled a rat early on #Americast
#Americast #northshoreleader #jewishcommunity #congress #georgesantos
Where else do we see Jewish people of all denominations working together? The annual community Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at Congregation Kehillath Israel in #Brookline, #massachusetts.
About 20 Jewish groups collaborate from Orthodox to Reform to secular. It is a beautiful role model of what the Jewish community can achieve if we put our minds to it ❤️ 🔯
#ahavatyisrael #jewishcommunity #massachusetts #brookline
Another example - #Shavuot Across #Brooklyn
In the Prospect Heights/Park Slope area: Brooklyn’s minyanim, synagogues, and organizations come together for Shavuot Across Brooklyn, an all-night teaching and learning celebration commemorating the giving of the Ten Commandments.
#Torah #Mishnah #Talmud #NYC #Jewishcommunity #AhavatYisrael
#ahavatyisrael #jewishcommunity #nyc #talmud #mishnah #torah #Brooklyn #shavuot
Here's an example - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) - A training institute and resource center. Here rabbis from all Jewish denominations participate. The organization is described by The Jewish Daily Forward as a “think-tank dedicated to questions of Jewish identity and religious practice…in its quest to expand the boundaries of Jewish communal life”
#ahavatyisrael #rabbis #jewishcommunity
Hebrew by Inbal will help you make Monumental Gains!
Spending a day getting inspiration in beautiful Charleston.
#hebrewbyinbal #batterypark #charleston #monuments #hebrew #historic #waterfront #beautiful #park #jewishcommunity #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #jewish
#hebrewbyinbal #batterypark #charleston #monuments #hebrew #historic #waterfront #beautiful #park #jewishcommunity #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #jewish
An important question when shopping in Jaffa!
#speakhebrew #israel #jewishlife #hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #jewish #learnhebrew #languages #jewishcommunity #howmuchadollarcost #howtosay #youtubechannel #shorts #languagelearning #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon #jews
#speakhebrew #israel #jewishlife #hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #jewish #learnhebrew #languages #jewishcommunity #howmuchadollarcost #howtosay #youtubechannel #shorts #languagelearning #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon #jews
/te-'vet/ is the 4th month in the Jewish / Hebrew calendar. It visits us in the months of December-January, and starts with the last days of /kha-noo-'kah/.
#channukah #channukahgift #tevet #טבת #hebrewmonths #jewishmonths #hebrewcalendar #hebrewcalendarmonth #hebrewyear #jewishyear #israelicalendar #hebrewisraelites #hebrewroots #hebrewletters #hebrewschool #jewishnewyear #jewishcommunity #jewishpride #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #hebrewwords #watercolorart #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#channukah #channukahgift #tevet #טבת #hebrewmonths #jewishmonths #hebrewcalendar #hebrewcalendarmonth #hebrewyear #jewishyear #israelicalendar #hebrewisraelites #hebrewroots #hebrewletters #hebrewschool #jewishnewyear #jewishcommunity #jewishpride #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #hebrewwords #watercolorart #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
Pope honors Poles killed for hiding Jews during World War II
#Holocaust #PopeFrancis #GermanoccupiedPoland #Jewishcommunity #Poland #WorldWarII
#worldwarii #Poland #jewishcommunity #germanoccupiedpoland #popefrancis #holocaust
RT @ZanteInformer: 79 years ago today a chain of events started that would end with every member of the island’s Jewish population being saved. Today we honour those involved.
#zante #zakynthos #Ζάκυνθος #zakynthosisland #zanteisland #jewishcommunity #ww2history #greece
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Rodi_Kratsa/status/1568159082149806080
#zante #zakynthos #Ζάκυνθος #ZakynthosIsland #zanteisland #jewishcommunity #ww2history #Greece