Update: I’ve bought #Scapegoated on kindle. Will update with a review once I’ve read it!
#scapegoated #jewishhorror #jewishscifi #faintinggoats #goats #mazeldon
From Golems To Robots
An exploration of cultural geekery.
Where does history touch the future? Explore how Jewish stories, history, and identity have expressed itself in science fiction and fantasy.
#mazeldon #jewdiverse #JewishSciFi #geekery #TechTribe #Twelvex #ChassidicTales #talk #Golem @mazeldon
#mazeldon #jewdiverse #jewishscifi #geekery #techtribe #twelvex #chassidictales #talk #golem
From Golems to Robots: An exploration of cultural geekery.
Where does history touch the future? Explore how Jewish stories, history, and identity have expressed itself in science fiction and fantasy.
Join us on January 25, 2023 at the Williamsburg Hotel in the heart of Brooklyn. Sign up here: https://mytechtribe.org/scifi
#mazeldon #JewishSciFi #geekery #TechTribe #Twelvex #openShabbat @mazeldon
#mazeldon #jewishscifi #geekery #techtribe #twelvex #openshabbat
I'm just two stories into the new book "Other Covenants
Alternate Histories of the Jewish People" from @BenYehudaPress and I am loving it!
I'll be writing a review of the book in a week or two.... it really is that good.
#Mazeldon #jewish #scifi #jewishscifi