If there is any lingering doubt in your mind that the state of #Israel is a #Racist, #SettlerColonial, #JewishSupremacist & #Apartheid entity, please have a read of Tony #Greenstein’s latest blog post:
“WHAT IS #ZIONISM? Is it a National Liberation Movement or an Ideology & Movement of Jewish Supremacism & Settler Colonialism?”
In it he writes:
“The Israeli Labor Party (ILP) has always declared that it wishes to see a separation between the #Palestinians and Jews which was its reason for supporting a Palestinian ‘state’ (in reality a #Bantustan) in the West Bank. It did not want a Palestinian majority in a ‘Jewish’ state. Apartheid [in South Africa] too was defined by its authors as ‘separate development.’
When #Netanyahu, #Wasserlauf and #BenGvir talk about #Zionist values they are talking about the values of the Labor Zionist movement and successive ILP governments. They are the values of ethnic cleansing, land confiscation, discriminatory treatment, wars of expansion and colonisation. It used to be called Jewish Labour, Land and Produce. What the ILP started Ben-Gvir is finishing.”
#israel #racist #settlercolonial #jewishsupremacist #apartheid #Greenstein #zionism #palestinians #bantustan #netanyahu #Wasserlauf #BenGvir #zionist
> 2022 was the deadliest year in #Israel and the occupied #Palestinian territories in over a decade – and the violence is only increasing.
#palestine #israeli #ultraNationalist #Lehava #farRight #jewishSupremacist #להב"ה #freePalestine
#freepalestine #להב #jewishsupremacist #farright #Lehava #ultranationalist #israeli #palestine #palestinian #Israel