The #Overton window of acceptable debate in respect of #ApartheidIsrael is moving fast!
“Liberal #Zionists hit rock bottom on faith that #Israel will redeem itself” by Philip #Weiss in @mondoweiss
“For years the liberal Zionist position was, We stand with the better angels of Israel’s nature, Israel will redeem itself. And all they’ve gotten for that good faith is militant #JewishSupremacy.
Now that’s changing. American liberal Zionists are turning on Israel, thanks to the arrogance and extremism of the #Netanyahu government. They are denouncing #Israeli “#apartheid” and calling for boycotts and sanctions against Israel for its human rights abuses.”
[Rhetorical question: If even liberal Zionists are starting to acknowledge that Israel is an #Apartheid state & to call for Boycott Disinvestment & Sanctions (#BDS) to be enforced by the #US against #Netanyahu’s #NeoFascist regime, will the #IHRA definition of #AntiSemitism now quickly be revised to remove ‘criticism of the state of Israel’ from that definition?]
#overton #apartheidisrael #zionists #israel #weiss #jewishsupremacy #netanyahu #israeli #apartheid #bds #us #neofascist #ihra #antisemitism
@wakame @Radical_EgoCom … and, in the #US in particular, millions of evangelical #Christians are *actively* trying to bring about the #Apocalypse that they believe the bible predicts will precede their ‘rapture’ into ‘heaven’!
Which is why #ChristianFascist organisations, many (if not most) of which are rabidly #Racist, #AntiSemitic & #Islamophobic, are nonetheless pumping $billions into pro-#Israel lobbying groups & politicians’ coffers in order to bolster a #JewishSupremacy state in the Middle East!
They lust after a world war! Think about that!
Relevant article by Max Blumenthal here ⤵️
“Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour”
Short YouTube video by Blumenthal covering the same topic here ⤵️
“Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour”
#us #christians #apocalypse #christianfascist #racist #antisemitic #islamophobic #israel #jewishsupremacy
“New grassroots ‘#StopStarmer’ group launches with video:
Group backed by range of #left activists aims to stop ‘most untrustworthy politician in Britain’ who has broken every promise and wants to continue Tory policies” via #Skwawkbox
#Starmer #KidStarver #Labour #LabourLies #StarmerLies #LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourEnablesApartheid #LabourFriendsOfIsrael #Zionism = #JewishSupremacy #Palestine #FreePalestine
#stopstarmer #left #SKWAWKBOX #starmer #kidstarver #labour #labourlies #starmerlies #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourenablesapartheid #labourfriendsofisrael #zionism #jewishsupremacy #palestine #freepalestine
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Israeli religious Jewish settlers attacked physically many Palestinians in #Hebron during #ChayeiSarah Without any accountability. #ApartheidIsrael #jewishsupremacy
#hebron #chayeisarah #apartheidisrael #jewishsupremacy
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Israeli religious Jewish settlers attacked physically many Palestinians in #Hebron during #ChayeiSarah Without any accountability. #ApartheidIsrael #jewishsupremacy
#hebron #chayeisarah #apartheidisrael #jewishsupremacy
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Israeli religious Jewish settlers attacked physically many Palestinians in #Hebron during #ChayeiSarah Without any accountability. #ApartheidIsrael #jewishsupremacy
#hebron #chayeisarah #apartheidisrael #jewishsupremacy
RT @Issaamro
Watch the movie when settlers threw stones and staff at Palestinians, Israeli settlers are rioting in #Hebron during #ChayeiSarah .
We live without any protection. #jewishsupremacy
#hebron #chayeisarah #jewishsupremacy