A new documentary film, Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie, aims to uncover the “crucial role” Keir and his team played in a “dark and murky story of political deceit and outrageous anti-semitic smears” to bring the left down and reassert the right’s tight grip on Labour.
#Labour #LabourFiles #JewishVoiceForLabour #LabourRightWingCoup
#labourrightwingcoup #jewishvoiceforlabour #labourfiles #labour
#Skwawkbox | The #Labour Party has banned:
Sounds like it's becoming a real progressive party ...
#peaceandjusticeproject #thecampaignagainstclimatechangetradesunion #healthcampaignstogether #allafricanwomensgroup #sikhsforlabour #somalisforlabour #jewishvoiceforlabour #londonirishabortionrightscampaign #republic #stopthewarcoalition #labourcampaignfornucleardisarmament #palestinesolidaritycampaign #labour #SKWAWKBOX
This is a very insightful article
#JewishVoiceForLabour | Jewface and other David Baddiel racisms