So excited to be teaching a class
for the Judaism Unbound
This one is for the all #jewitches and witchy jews! Skeptics welcome (trolls are not).
Kitchen Priestess
#SocialDemocracy #LivingWages #SinglePayer, #Housing, #FoodJustice, & Education, No warmongering!
#SmallBusiness #Nonprofit #Bookkeeper & Administrator, fledgling #Artist. #AAS #Architecture, BA #Philosophy #MagnaCumLaude w/ minors in #Linguistics & in #JudaicStudies.
Visit my #shophandmade page: @AhavahArielSacredArts
#ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #UrbanAg #Geology #Astronomy #Jewitch #Mysticism #Kabbalah #JewishMysticism #LGBTQAlly #Gardening #Cooking #Art #Crafts
#follow #followfriday #boost #altext #gimp #nikon #art #MastoArt
A Barn
#socialdemocracy #livingwages #singlepayer #housing #foodjustice #smallbusiness #NonProfit #bookkeeper #artist #aas #architecture #philosophy #magnacumlaude #linguistics #judaicstudies #shophandmade #ClimateCrisis #sustainability #urbanag #geology #astronomy #jewitch #mysticism #kabbalah #jewishmysticism #lgbtqally #gardening #cooking #art #crafts #follow #followfriday #boost #altext #gimp #nikon #MastoArt
Before we reach Tu B’Shevat, we have Shabbat Shirah -- Shabbat of Song — which is chock full of delicious practices.
What ideas do you have about honoring Shabbat Shirah?
#jewdiverse #kohenet #jewitch #jewish
my girlfriend, the amazing @comicsbyxan, got this book for me!!!
Jewish Magic and Superstition by Joshua Trachtenberg, first published in 1939, discusses Jewish folk practices of the eleventh through the sixteenth centuries. I'm SO EXCITED to read this!
#mazeldon #jewitch #jewishmagic
Kitchen Priestess
#DemSocialist: #LivingWages & Basic Human Rights to #SinglePayer, #Housing, #FoodJustice, & Education, No warmongering
#SmallBusiness #Entrepreneur #Nonprofit #Bookkeeper & Administrator, fledgling #Artist. AAS #Architecture, BA #Philosophy Magna Cum Laude w/ minors in #Linguistics & in #JudaicStudies.
Visit my #shophandmade page: @AhavahArielSacredArts
#ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #UrbanAg #Geology #Astronomy #Jewitch #Mysticism #Herbalism #followfriday
#demsocialist #livingwages #singlepayer #housing #foodjustice #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #NonProfit #bookkeeper #artist #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #shophandmade #ClimateCrisis #sustainability #urbanag #geology #astronomy #jewitch #mysticism #herbalism #followfriday
just realized I never did an #introduction post!
hi, I'm fox 🦊 and I'm white, late
late 30s, #nonbinary, #bisexual, on the #asexual and #aromantic spectrums, #solopolyam, #jewish, #jewitch, and a #catParent.
I'm #neurodivergent with #mentalHealth stuff, including #adhd, #depression, #anxiety and probably #autism. I'm also dealing with #chronicPain.
things I'm into: #Judaism, #videogames, #boardGames, #knitting, #crocheting, #spinning, #writing, #indiePerfume, and more!
#introduction #nonbinary #bisexual #asexual #aromantic #solopolyam #jewish #jewitch #catparent #neurodivergent #mentalhealth #adhd #depression #anxiety #autism #chronicpain #judaism #videogames #boardgames #knitting #crocheting #spinning #writing #indieperfume
I’m the weaver of tonight’s Kabbalat Shabbat service for Kohenet community (open to all).
Want to join us this week or any week?
#jewish #jewitch #kohenet #jewdiverse
Working a new golem pattern with moveable arms and legs!
I could just use the glitter golem pattern, but thought I’d try something different.
These arms turned out a bit huge for the body, so they are just hanging out while I finish Babka and a few others. then I’ll get back to this one.
@mazeldon #Jewitch #jewdiverse #mastoart #feltart #judaica #golem
#jewitch #jewdiverse #mastoart #feltart #judaica #golem
I call Tevet, "the moon of clarity" because it is a month to seek clarity on our path; even though the days are still short and the nights are long and dark.
Each month of the Jewish year is packed with rich correspondences for sacred arts and spiritual alignment/growth that lend themselves towards an energetic naming of the moon energy.
For sources, citations, and much more see:
#jewdiverse #jewitch #kohenet #jewish
Start the secular year off with a mussar practice session focused on the soul trait of sakranut (סקרנות) curiosity.
Tevet Soul Trait Studio:
Sunday: 11/27/2022
3-4:30pm ET
Learn more & register:
In Tevet we will be working with the soul trait of sakranut (סקרנות) curiosity that also corresponds with the Doreshet - the seeker.
There is no cost to attend Soul Trait Studio, but registration is required.
#jewish #mussar #jewitch #kohenet
Light the 8th candle tonight (12/25/2022)
“On the seventh day G!d/dess rested. . . .”
But on Chanukah, the miracle lasted for eight days.
It lasted longer than creating the universe and all its inhabitants?
Does humanity really need such a reminder of the ongoing work of creation?
#jewish #judaism #jewitch #kohenet #hanukkah2022
Shavua Tov!
Light 7th candle tonight (12/24/2022)
The seven is one of the most magickal numbers.
Across many cultures 7 represents:
The 7th night of Hanukkah is also Chag HaBanot, Festival of the Daughters, in North African Jewish tradition.
It is also the night of Judith's victory over Holfernes, so celebrate with a little wine and cheese.
#jewish #hanukah #jewitch #kohenet #jewdiverse
Light the 6th candle tonight (12/23/2022)
Light your menorah - then light your Shabbat candles.
Six is balance & harmony.
The Star of David has six points and the menorah in the Temple had 6 branches. There are six days of creation before we rest and six directions.
#jewish #jewdiverse #jewitch #kohenet #hanukkah
I love how many more people know about the Jewish teachings around the solstice & equinox, and the connections between Hanukkah & the winter solstice.
But in case it’s new to you:
@mazeldon #jewdiverse #hanukkah #solstice #jewitch #jewish #judaism #kohenet
#jewdiverse #hanukkah #solstice #jewitch #jewish #judaism #kohenet
No matter what you are celebrating or not celebrating. I wish you bright blessings.
Light, Love, and Peace
#gardening #healthylifestyle #divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #microgreens #organicgardening #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #kitchenwitch #nursecoach #greenhousegrowing #sacredfeminine #permaculture #healthyeating #tinyhouseliving #greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
#gardening #healthylifestyle #divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #microgreens #organicgardening #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #KitchenWitch #nursecoach #greenhousegrowing #sacredfeminine #permaculture #healthyeating #tinyhouseliving #Greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
Battle Cat our 6 year old office manager decided it was break time. He needed chin scratches and snuggles. This handsome boy is very chill and when he wants attention you have to give it.
Back to work. Website is coming along, it is just a slow process.
#catsofmastadon #homesteading #farmcat #jewitch #farmlife
Good night friends. Tomorrow I will be making website #magik happen. I want my new site live by the beginning of the new year.
See you in the morning.
Light, Love, and Peace
#gardening #healthylifestyle #divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #kitchenwitch #nursecoach #sacredfeminine #permaculture #tinyhouseliving #greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch
#magik #gardening #healthylifestyle #divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #KitchenWitch #nursecoach #sacredfeminine #permaculture #tinyhouseliving #Greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch
I wish my apothecary looked like this. My tea recipes have been collected to one place and my order is ready for #MountainRoseHerbs.
Light, Love, and Peace
#gardening #healthylifestyle #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #microgreens #organicgardening #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #kitchenwitch #nursecoach #greenhousegrowing #permaculture #tinyhouseliving #greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
#mountainroseherbs #gardening #healthylifestyle #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #microgreens #organicgardening #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #KitchenWitch #nursecoach #greenhousegrowing #permaculture #tinyhouseliving #Greenhouse #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
Today I am working in putting all my tea recipes into one place. It will also help me finish putting together my order for Mountain Rose Herbs.
Link to their store:
Light, Love, and Peace
#gardening #healthylifestyle #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #kitchenwitch #nursecoach #healthyeating #herbaltea #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
#gardening #healthylifestyle #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #herbalmedicine #apothecary #holistichealing #nurselife #farmlife #KitchenWitch #nursecoach #healthyeating #herbaltea #vegetables #herbs #fruit #jewitch #nurse #realfood
The clean and purge that was supposed to happen a couple of weeks ago.
I should have taken before photos but this is where we are so far. Still not sure if the big tree will fit but I do have an idea of where to put the little one and some more lights.
I am done for today except for cooking dinner.
Light, Love, and Peace
#divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #farmlife #kitchenwitch #sacredfeminine #tinyhouseliving #jewitch
#divinefeminine #organic #greenwitch #homesteading #homecooking #farmlife #KitchenWitch #sacredfeminine #tinyhouseliving #jewitch