We got a really nice review on NRK P2 for our album on Heilo Records Also some almost philosophical questions about where to dance to this music! Nice to hear the news anchor guess if it's a #jewsharp or a #seljefløyte which it is in deed! Listen here: https://radio.nrk.no/serie/nyhetsmorgen/sesong/202306/NPUB32011223#t=1h25m57s
Today we release our album of #electronicnorwegianfolkmusic on Heilo Records as an LP and stream! Artwork by Julia Stenberg Mastered by Christian Obermayer Releaseparty at Kruttverket june 9th! Hope you like it! #folkmusic #mouthharp #jewsharp #hardingfele #hardingfeleertøft #acid #synths #fmsynthesis #microtonal #springar #norskfolkemusikk https://orcd.co/snu_hver_stein
#electronicnorwegianfolkmusic #folkmusic #mouthharp #jewsharp #hardingfele #hardingfeleertoft #acid #synths #fmsynthesis #microtonal #springar #norskfolkemusikk
Jakutien zähle ich nicht wirklich zu Russland, ich hoffe es nimmt mir niemand übel, dass ich etwas wirklich außergewöhnliches tröte (stammt ja auch aus 2009), und zwar eine Palette verschiedener Techniken des Maultrommelspiels, absolut die hohe Kunst:
Khomus player Fiodorova Natalia
#jewsharp #khomus #maultrommel #nataliafiodorova
Hey #musicians!
Any #tips on how to #record a #jewsharp?
I started to record one of my new songs "make it a breeze" and the jews harp gets messy with lots of side noises :/
I try out different distances and angles to the mic, serious EQ, but it's not easy.
Maybe someone has experience? Or good plugin advice?
...have no izotope Rx10 (yet)
<< just a start, still missing lots of sound design and #mixing
If anyone wants to work on the track, cool! it is in studio one 5
#musicians #tips #record #jewsharp #mixing