A second batch of homebrewed beer fermented with #jfbrew !
Now, I just have to wait for 2 months before tasting them!
I've just published the source code of #JFBrew : https://github.com/JF002/jfbrew.
I also wrote a story on #hackster.io about the project: https://www.hackster.io/jf002/jfbrew-7c17ed
Yesterday was beer bottling day! #JFBrew regulated the temperature of the fermenting beer for more than 500 hours!
Now, the beer is fermenting for the last time in the 28 bottles.
I can't wait to taste them... in 6 to 8 week
The temperature regulation is near perfect, and the graphs are beautiful!
D+1 : It's bubbling, guys! It's BUBBLING! Can you see it?!
Merci, @PhilB , Bonne année à toi aussi!
La #choucroute était bien accompagné de bière, mais pas encore de ma propre fabrication, j'y travaille #jfbrew!
Par contre, la choucroute, elle, était bien de la choucroute maison (cela fait quelques mois qu'elle fermente gentillement :) )