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Para você que está assistindo ao, a avisa que o #JornalDaGlobo já está chegando!
O #JG começa logo depois de Marighella: #BBB23 #BBB #RedeBBB
#jornaldaglobo #jg #bbb23 #bbb #redebbb
überlegen eure freund:innen jetzt auch schon nach Gramatneusiedl zu ziehen 🥺 #JG
RT @AbramoMax
Gente, recebi uma informação, mas é tão importante, que não podemos espalhar tão rápido
O Brasil não saiu da Copa
Na verdade, foi campeão. Bozonaro só aguarda a revolução para erguer a taça com Neymar.
#CnnBrasil #globonews #JN #G1 #JG #EmPauta #JornalNacional #J10
#cnnbrasil #globonews #jn #g1 #jg #EmPauta #jornalnacional #j10
RT @AbramoMax
O cara falar "ainnn...vou torcer por Portugal. Pela Argentina não dá"
Enfie a rivalidade no kool e enxergue a história!
colonizado do karaleo.
#CnnBrasil #globonews #JN #G1 #JG #EmPauta #JornalNacional #J10
#cnnbrasil #globonews #jn #g1 #jg #EmPauta #jornalnacional #j10
@blackbulldog @maryeffrancis The MMT #JobGuarantee #jg #ujg #fjg #njg as an automatic stabilizer
#MMT economists have been saying for decades that a #JobGuarantee is an automatic stabilizer. When the private sector is laying off millions of workers, the Federal government must step in as the employer of last resort.
#jobguarantee #jg #ujg #FJG #njg #mmt
@blackbulldog @maryeffrancis
Let me know when you are all caught up so the #inflation thread can move into the job guarantee #jg #fjg #njg #ujg
And then a few other titbits
@blackbulldog @maryeffrancis I am not sure I would say “similar to the mainstream” but I do take your broader point. Discussion on job guarantee #jg will be forthcoming. 😀
When you realise the #fediverse is pretty much how the job guarantee #jg works
#decentralized but #federally #funded 😂
#fediverse #jg #decentralized #Federally #funded
This to my mind makes the case for Universal Basic Services as described by #ubs
I believe the UK is now calling it a Social Guarantee
Along with
The case for a Job Guarantee
all leads to in my opinion, to’s
Real Freedom
New #introductions
Hi I'm AusMMT from #Australia. I look forward to sharing educative & informative toots about Modern Monetary Theory #mmt to you all.
#auspol #basicincome #jg #fjg #njg #ujg #gmi #ubi #lig #participationincome #publicpolicy #treasury #debt #cb #centralbank #evs #renewables universalbasic services #ubs #firstnations #regulations #housing #welfare #socialsecurity #childcare Commonwealth Employment Service#CES #education #publictransport & much more
#introductions #australia #mmt #auspol #basicincome #jg #FJG #njg #ujg #gmi #ubi #lig #participationincome #publicpolicy #treasury #debt #cb #centralbank #evs #renewables #ubs #firstnations #regulations #housing #welfare #socialsecurity #childcare #education #publictransport
@radiojammor @monika @openscience wait until RJ hears a #fjg #jg is a type of #ubi
All I did was expand the definition of “work”. Apparently, we are not the someones up on the literature.
I love how I have to be informed I'm muted. That says more about RJ than me. I just mute people when they “don’t get it” or they continue to make “weak” or “nonsense arguments”
If anyone wants to hear the case against a JG being a benefit payment, let me know. Cheers #mmt
@radiojammor @DrALJONES @monika @openscience “ People only drop out of work to care for people (children, family, etc) or to take education, usually with the view to change the work they do”
These become jobs under a #fjg #jg
#さくらの日 ってことでこちらも。
比較的最近の #二次創作 だと #ジョカゲ #JG のしか無いのです。三好追悼作品。戦後、佐久間さんと出迎えた三好が、桜の咲き乱れる霧の中を歩く……と言う内容。not腐向け。
サクラ、マウ。 | aza/あざ(筒示明日香) #pixiv #小説
#小説 #pixiv #jg #ジョカゲ #二次創作 #さくらの日