And the winter specialty in #Kolkata and #Bengal is date palm syrup (not date syrup, but the sap - as in maple syrup) and the boiled down sugar/jaggery from that used to sweeten. You can buy the #NolenGur or #JholaGur (liquid) in jars and the blocks/discs of patali gur or jaggery (pic1).
Winter brings gur sweetened #sandesh
- sweets made with sweetened chenna - fresh soft cheese - compressed and shaped in traditional conch and palm fruit shapes set out in trays (pics 2-4)
but the best (next)
#Sandesh #jholagur #nolengur #bengal #kolkata
And the winter specialty in #Kolkata and #Bengal is date palm syrup (not date syrup, but the sap - as in maple syrup) and the boiled down sugar/jaggery from that used to sweeten. You can buy the #NolenGur or #JholaGur (liquid) in jars and the blocks/discs of patali gur or jaggery (pic1).
#jholagur #nolengur #bengal #kolkata