A powerful explosion occurred in one of the chemical plants in the #Chinese province of #Jiangxi.
According to emergency services, there may be dead and injured. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1675020617878327297 #press
#China reported one new case of #infection with #Avian #influenza A(#H9N2): in #Jiangxi Province:
A 7-month-old boy with onset on May 1, 2023. #HK CHP: https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/2023_avian_influenza_report_vol19_wk23.pdf
#china #infection #avian #influenza #H9N2 #jiangxi #hk
#China reported two new #Avian #influenza A(#H9N2) virus infections: #Jiangxi Province:a A 3-year-old girl with onset on January 31, 2023. #Hunan Province: a A 2-year-old boy with onset on February 5, 2023. HK CHP: https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/2023_avian_influenza_report_vol19_wk17.pdf
#china #avian #influenza #H9N2 #jiangxi #hunan
#China 's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for #rainstorms in some parts of the country's #central and #southern regions.
From 2 p.m. Friday to 2 p.m. Saturday, heavy rainfall or rainstorms are expected to lash parts of #Guangxi #Guangdong #Hunan #Jiangxi and #fujian and heavy downpours with up to 120 mm of rainfall will hit parts of Guangxi。
#china #rainstorms #central #southern #guangxi #guangdong #hunan #jiangxi #fujian
The perfect match: "Metaverse" technology meets farming in east China.
New opportunities are sprouting up at a farm in #Jiangxi Province thanks to the #Metaverse, VR and other digital technologies. Join us to see the budding relationship between the virtual world and real-life #agriculture!
#jiangxi #metaverse #agriculture
Traditional oil-paper umbrellas unfurl with flying colors.
In a factory in east China's Jiangxi Province, Zhang Shunnyu is busy making a traditional oil-paper umbrella, pasting the processed paper onto an umbrella frame and trimming the edges.
The recent boom in tourism has brought many new orders to the factory, which specializes in the product. "I can process at least 60 umbrellas a day," said Zhang.
#Traditional #Oil-Paper #Jiangxi
#China, #Dongxiang, #Fuzhou, #Jiangxi: #SARS-CoV-2 #PCR #testing for all population will be carried out on January 25 and 26, https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2023-01-24/doc-imychqhq4747805.shtml
#china #dongxiang #fuzhou #jiangxi #sars #pcr #testing
China: 17 dead in road accident, as holiday rush begins
#lunarnewyear #jiangxi #nanchang #China
Histoire du Parti communiste chinois (4) : 1931-1935
(chapitre 4 : 1931-1935)
(chapitre 3 : 1928-1931)
(chapitre 2 : 1925-1927)
(chapitre 1 : 1911-1924)
Le 10 mai 2022, le président chinois Xi célèbre les 100 ans de la Ligue de la jeunesse « communiste » en ra
#BoGu #Chine #GMD #Guomindang #Japon #Jiangxi #Longuemarche #Mandchourie #MaoZedong #Particommunistechinois #PCC #ZhangGuotao #ZhouEnlai
#BoGu #chine #gmd #Guomindang #japon #jiangxi #Longuemarche #mandchourie #maozedong #Particommunistechinois #pcc #ZhangGuotao #zhouenlai