#JensenAckles has an announcement for a project coming next week, but it’ll leave us with more questions. Such a teaser. 😜 #JIB11 #JibCon
Transition between their panels #JensenAckles #MishaCollins #JIB11 #JibCon #Supernatural 😂
#jensenackles #mishacollins #jib11 #jibcon #supernatural
Collected infos, vids, pictures about #JIB11 #JibCon #Supernatural This weekend. Still going, lots of panels to look forward to, so far no Gucci jacket. 😜
#JIB11 #JibCon The jackets... Picture by SomerInTheWind on twitter
#JaredPadalecki #JensenAckles #MishaCollins #Supernatural
#jib11 #jibcon #jaredpadalecki #jensenackles #mishacollins #supernatural
#JIB11 #JibCon #JensenAckles Picture by SomerInTheWind on twitter 😍
Jensen, Jared and Misha all wearing similar Gucci jackets, gifted by Daniela (con organizer). At least Jensen's can be worn reversed (demin). 😉 They all seem to be in a great mood. Expect funny panels.
#jib11 #jibcon #jensenackles #supernatural