Just in case folks haven't heard yet, both #TalkBack and #Jieshuo, got some competition now with the #Prudence screen reader!
And for what its worth, it ain't half bad for what it is! Although, Braille/external keyboard support ain't there yet. Gotta start somewhere...
The latest is Version v1.1.0.20230818114242.9, Last updated Aug 17, 2023.
This is by far the most complete and most often updated list of blind accessible android games available, but it will need to be translated from Brazilian Portuguese. Totally worth it though!
#DisabledGaming #DisabledGamers
#blind #visuallyimpaired #vi #androidaccessibility #talkback #jieshuo #screenreaders #screenreader #AudioGame #audiogames #blindgaming #blindgamers #AccessibleGaming #disabledgaming #disabledgamers #accessibility #a11y #access #disability #disabled
Time to see how well I can replicate either the #Chromevox and/or #Talkback keyboard experience with the #jieshuo screen reader's 'Hotkey Scheme' feature. The default has 'waaaaaaaay' too many conflicts in my view (particularly if using web browsers that support keyboard shortcuts).
And since people are able to share said keyboard layouts, anyone thought of creating a #WindowEyes or #SuperNova/#Hal layout?
#supernova #windoweyes #jieshuo #talkback #chromevox
@robert_cuky Es por algo en el #Talkback. En el #Jieshuo, funcionan de lujo.