🥥 Fulton County #Georgia District Attorney #Fani_Willis calls Rep. #Jim_Jordan's (R-OH) bluff.
Sends him a personal letter asking for an investigation into threats of violence against her and her staff. Includes examples. 🥥
#jim_jordan #fani_willis #Georgia
Why Is Everyone So Upset About the Betsy Ross Flag?
There's a pretty long history of the flag being used by extremist right-wing movements — and a recent move by Nike has brought that into the spotlight https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/betsy-ross-flag-nike-colin-kaepernick-patriot-movement-ku-klux-klan-854612/ @RollingStone #Jim_Jordan #RepChrisStewart #HouseJudiciary #StaceyPlaskett #extremism #weaponization
#weaponization #extremism #staceyplaskett #HouseJudiciary #repchrisstewart #jim_jordan
Who is the Trump lawyer behind #jim_jordan#RepSylviaGarcia #HouseJudiciary #StaceyPlaskett
#staceyplaskett #HouseJudiciary #jim_jordan
Stephen Friend got suspended after he simply refused to work on any cases related to the Capitol riot. #Jim_Jordan #StaceyPlaskett #HouseJudiciary #jordancommittee #weaponization
#weaponization #jordancommittee #HouseJudiciary #staceyplaskett #jim_jordan
What a obscene travesty this
folly is .. #HouseJudiciary #StaceyPlaskett
brings up that Jordan has testimony from Mr. Allen but will not share his testimony with the minority.. and that shill Trump lawyer behind him, keeps popping up into Jordan's ear.again. The Republicans are not sharing evidence on the Jordan Committee.. How is that acceptable at all?
#staceyplaskett #HouseJudiciary #jim_jordan
#DurhamReport cost $6.5 million over 4 years producing a 300-page report. That means the #Durham report cost per page of the report is approximately $21,666.67
#SpeakerMcCarthy #Jim_Jordan #RepDanGoldman #StaceyPlaskett
#staceyplaskett #repdangoldman #jim_jordan #speakermccarthy #durham #durhamreport
at 10 am, where #ChrisJansing takes the #jim_jordan distraction, deflection bait --hook line and sinker. Leading with this non-story, this non hearing hearing. Report on the real news @JansingReports not GOP right wing disinformation spin.
report on this: How much does this traveling show cost? What is #jim_jordan spending on this right wing propaganda campaign funded by the U.S. taxpayer? Jim Jordan has a huge budget.
According to Pomerantz's book, Trump is guilty of lying on business records for years; he has lied to banks to get favorable loans, he has lied to reduce his tax liabilities. Is this part of Bragg's indictments? part of
#jansingreports #chrisjansing #jim_jordan
Yeah. Hayseed wrestling coach #Jim_Jordan hasn’t seen the likes of the Manhattan D.A.’s office before.
Re #Jim_Jordan taking the committee to Manhattan, speak to the COST--the EXPENSE of this traveling hearing. This is profligate spending by the Republicans; wasteful spending. How much does this cost?
#JansingReports #ChrisJansing #GarrettHaake #danielsgoldman #matthewjdowd
#matthewjdowd #danielsgoldman #garretthaake #chrisjansing #jansingreports #jim_jordan
#RepChrisStewart is conflating the u.s. govt w the former East German secret police, Stasi. Its so reckless. Again. #saltLake has a whack job, conspiracy theorist for a congress person. What a waste of time. #Jordancommittee #StaceyPlaskett #Jim_Jordan
No one has any idea what Chris Stewart is talking about. Some arcane weird half truth and misinformation. Again. We have six people dead by gun violence in Nashville and this guy, Stewart is going off on some fabulist nonsense. #Utah
#utah #jim_jordan #staceyplaskett #jordancommittee #saltlake #repchrisstewart
This hearing is amazing in its incompetence. #Jim_Jordan staff cannot get a single image, video, audio to air during these hearings. Its amazing how bad this EXPENSIVE staff/hearing is run, managed. #jordanCommittee #StaceyPlaskett #GerryConnolly
How is the costing us?
#GerryConnolly #staceyplaskett #jordancommittee #jim_jordan
#DWStweets "evidence proves the conservative voices are MORE prevalent on social media.." which is entirely true. #JordanCommittee #Jim_Jordan
This committee is a waste of time and money
#jim_jordan #jordancommittee #dwstweets
#Jim_Jordan allowed the witnesses to scurry away. Like rats, like cowards. #RepStephenLynch #jordanCommittee
Waste of money. What a waste of money. Like Jim Jordan has all the time and money in the world to take us down conspiracy rabbit holes.
#jordancommittee #repstephenlynch #jim_jordan
Landry’s quick exit from weaponization subcommittee draws complaints
Louisiana’s attorney general left after making his statement although members had questions for him https://lailluminator.com/2023/03/30/government_weaponization/ #louisiana #Landry #jordancommittee #Jim_Jordan #StaceyPlaskett
Landry is a coward.
The Jordan Committee is a HUGE waste.
#staceyplaskett #jim_jordan #jordancommittee #Landry #Louisiana
Thank you @DWStweets #RepStephenLynch #StaceyPlaskett calling out #Jim_Jordan for his cowardice allowing the 'witnesses' to flee, coward-like without taking any questions after their incendiary opening statements.
What a circus. What chaos. Thank you for sitting through that. #jordancommittee #disinformation
What a waster of time and money.
#Disinformation #jordancommittee #jim_jordan #staceyplaskett #repstephenlynch
Drag queens didn't kill little children in Nashville. Books, CRT, Tik Tok,--wokeness didn't kill small children in Nashville today.
Guns. Those children, those families, that school were terrorized by Guns.
#RepJamesComer #Jim_Jordan #SpeakerMcCarthy & you do nothing about it.
#speakermccarthy #jim_jordan #repjamescomer
Jim Jordan's Border Stunt Flops When Migrants Don't Show Up - National Memo
#migrants #joe_biden #republicans #jim_jordan
Here we have the perfect example of the #GOP #GOPoversight #DefundThePolice -- #Jim_Jordan is doing everything to harm the #FBI and our DOJ who protect Americans every day. But, Jordan's taskmasters in the Kremlin don't want that.. So we have this Hearing.
#FBI #jim_jordan #DefundThePolice #gopoversight #gop