#JimCaviezel ha confirmado que la secuela de #LaPasiónDeCristo titulada "La Pasión de Cristo: La Resurrección" iniciará su rodaje en enero de 2024 y contará con el regreso de #MelGibson a la silla de director!
“Será la película más grande en la historia del mundo”,y agregó: “Mel (Gibson) me llevó a través de todas las escenas y estaba en el suelo llorando. Será una de las mejores cosas que hayas visto”.Dijo Caviezel!
#notenews #jimcaviezel #lapasiondecristo #melgibson #thepassionofthechrist
How I know "Sound of Freedom" is hot garbage:
My torrent provider can get me damn near anything. That movie still isn't available, even as a shitty cam. I don't want to see it, I just find it amusing.
#soundoffreedommovie #jimcaviezel
Someone get this guy a tissue! He just can't understand why people are criticizing his #Qanon #movie starring Qanon #lunatic #JimCaviezel! 😢
#qanon #movie #lunatic #jimcaviezel
Vice: Trafficking Survivors and Advocates Are Being Harassed by ‘Sound of Freedom’ Fans https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/epvbyz/trafficking-survivors-and-advocates-are-being-harassed-by-sound-of-freedom-fans #anti-trafficking #formationproject #soundoffreedom #jimcaviezel #timballard #sabraboyd #katwehunt
#anti #formationproject #soundoffreedom #jimcaviezel #timballard #sabraboyd #katwehunt
Big note to people critical of #QAnon narratives: #SoundOfFreedom is a "normie" movie hiding its power level.
If you hate on it directly, people will say crap like "but it's about tRaFfIcKiNg, you can't hate that can you?"
Here's the thing. Sound of Freedom is as "real" as the movie #Taken with Liam Neeson, if not less so.
It's fabricated.
Mostly from full cloth.
To criticize it to normies, criticize it on their level...
#jimcaviezel #taken #SoundOfFreedom #QAnon
LIVE starting at 6:00pm EST Trump Indicted Again; #JimCaviezel To Lead Prayer Rally for #OhioIssue1 Weekly News Report- #Trump arrived in #DC to make his first appearance in federal court following Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of #January6. “This is a very sad day for America, this is a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in America."- Trump
#Ohio makes national news with #Issue1 to determine whether their Constitutional Amendment Process will be strengthened. At issue: one of the most radical pro-abortion Constitutional "rights," in our nation on Nov's ballot. All of that & more Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#jimcaviezel #OhioIssue1 #Trump #dc #January6 #ohio #Issue1
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Sound of Freedom' Funder Fabian Marta Charged With Felony Child Kidnapping https://jezebel.com/sound-of-freedom-funder-fabian-marta-charged-with-felon-1850708015 #Jezebel #nonprofitorganizationsbasedincalifornia #humantraffickingintheunitedstates #operationundergroundrailroad #violenceagainstwomen #entertainmentculture #violenceagainstmen #humantrafficking #soundoffreedom #jimstewartson #fabianmarta #jimcaviezel #timballard #megconley #sexcrimes
#jezebel #nonprofitorganizationsbasedincalifornia #humantraffickingintheunitedstates #operationundergroundrailroad #violenceagainstwomen #entertainmentculture #violenceagainstmen #humantrafficking #soundoffreedom #jimstewartson #fabianmarta #jimcaviezel #timballard #megconley #sexcrimes
#JimCaviezel is against #abortion. Everyone needs to know this. #antiabortion
#jimcaviezel #abortion #antiabortion
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Chet Hanks Promotes ‘Sound of Freedom’ Despite QAnon Constantly Calling His Dad a Pedophile https://jezebel.com/chet-hanks-promotes-sound-of-freedom-despite-qanon-co-1850670689 #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #internetmanipulationandpropaganda #propagandaintheunitedstates #entertainmentculture #conspiracytheory #soundoffreedom #socialissues #jimcaviezel #isaackappy #timballard #chethanks #tomhanks #fakenews #qanon
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #internetmanipulationandpropaganda #propagandaintheunitedstates #entertainmentculture #conspiracytheory #soundoffreedom #socialissues #jimcaviezel #isaackappy #timballard #chethanks #tomhanks #fakenews #qanon
#JimCaviezel acompaña a Trump y promociona su campaña presidencial (y la película que él protagoniza), llamándolo "el nuevo Moisés" que va a "salvar a los niños".
Trump fue por décadas socio y amigo personal de los mayores pederastas de nuestro tiempo, como Jeffrey Epstein, Gislaine Maxwell o George Nader.
#soundoffreedom es una psyop más de QAnon.
Al fin se confirma la llegada de la película que está en boca de todos y éxito de taquilla, #SoundOfFreedom a Latinoamérica! El 31 de Agosto llega a México, así lo ha hecho saber el productor #EduardoVerastegui. Queda esperar por fecha para más países! #JimCaviezel
#breakingnews #soundoffreedom #eduardoverastegui #jimcaviezel
This is about the Operation Underground Railroad and the Tim Ballard guy in the "movie":
#sextrafficking #qanon #jimcaviezel #timballard #operationundergroundrailroad
#operationundergroundrailroad #timballard #jimcaviezel #qanon #sextrafficking
El personaje que interpreta #JimCaviezel (QAnoner) no ha salvado ningún niño ni ha condenado públicamente a ningún pederasta imputado/condenado con los que ha estado en contacto. Sí habla del tráfico de niños ucranianos (más de 1 millón) secuestrados por Rusia pero por lo que sea termina culpando... a Polonia. Tiene micrófono en #FoxNews y los mítines de Trump.
Pd: no tienes micrófono en un mitin de Trump si no pagas.
Actor Jim Caviezel claims liberal elites drink the blood of infants - also stating, ‘I believe Donald Trump was selected by God Almighty, and I'm talking about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit God,’ Caviezel said...#JimCaviezel..#GOP..#whitenationalism..
#jimcaviezel #gop #WhiteNationalism
PG here. 1.) 💥🤯💣💥🧨🤯Grand Slam this week! @LynetteZang ITM Trading teaches Complete self-sufficiency gold and silver. You shall lend to many borrow from none. Tuesday.@FlyoverConservatives Wed. The Kingdom of God is Here! Behind the scenes in the quiet of the night PG has put up 3 videos Based on the Basics of civil Liberties and discourse. Leah and Michelle expose Americans uplifting a very evil Pimp child sex trafficker, in America praised by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson as a good man. Now that is wickedness in high places! First Amendment: the first right is religion.In the last 120 years "press and speech 2nd and 3rd, right,") who get their importance from the 1st right religion, or Jesus Christ.) destroyed the "1st right," freedom of religion, and became a snake eating itself its own tail.
Tucker Carlson Interview #JimCaviezel #timballard Not #andrewtate https://www.facebook.com/ResistanceChicks/videos/950999812799948
#jimcaviezel #timballard #AndrewTate
#Portland #Oregon #TedWheeler #Pedophiles #CivilRights #Justice #NeilGoldschmidt #MattHennessee #Prison #Jail @dave @echoplex #JimCaviezel #SoundOfFreedom
Recorded live, on July 10 - Conspiracies, realities, civil rights, and justice, with Jeff Thomas Black (@JTB)
#portland #oregon #tedwheeler #pedophiles #civilrights #justice #neilgoldschmidt #matthennessee #prison #jail #jimcaviezel #soundoffreedom
Christians would go see a movie about Jesus taking a shit in a bucket as long as it vomited their "values" and special grievance martyrdom back to them #SoundOfFreedom #jimcaviezel