Next up in our poetry jam lineup is #WeddingsAndFunerals by #JimFerguson (Page 61) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023. #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is the shadow of a person in a stained glass doorway. The title and byline are in white print on grey boxes.)
#weddingsandfunerals #jimferguson #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
Tuesday afternoon is a wonderful time to indulge yourself in poetry. Please enjoy #TheUniverseInHerFace by #jimferguson (Page 05) #mockingowlroost #poetryissue2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a woman’s face.)
#theuniverseinherface #jimferguson #mockingowlroost #poetryissue2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers