Tiens ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas pouet pouet mais comme probablement personne ne verra mon pouet... Je pose ça là quand même (ma PAL) dès fois que ça intéresserait quelqu'un.e. #lecturesdelasemaine et + (pas trouvé le hashtag lectures du mois) #bouquins #mastobookclub (? connais pas celui-là, je vais y jeter un oeil) #mastobooks #mastolivres #litteratureamericaine #bukowski #jimharrison #JoanDidion #breteastonellis 🇺🇸
#lecturesdelasemaine #bouquins #mastobookclub #mastobooks #mastolivres #litteratureamericaine #bukowski #jimharrison #JoanDidion #breteastonellis
“I like grit, I like love and death, I'm tired of irony. ... A lot of good fiction is sentimental. ... The novelist who refuses sentiment refuses the full spectrum of human behavior, and then he just dries up. ... I would rather give full vent to all human loves and disappointments, and take a chance on being corny than die a smartass.”
― Jim Harrison
#quoteoftheday #quotes #jimharrison #irony #literature
Am I as old as I am?
Maybe not. Time is a mystery
that can tip us upside down.
Jim Harrison
Seven in the Woods
#jimharrison #poem #poetry #todayspoem
"Braided Creek"
A new book review is here:
#jimharrison #poetry #literary #bookreview #writing
End of year reading list cleanup today. Moving a lot of titles to the 2023 list because, too many books. But I’m wondering about recent favorites others have read or would recommend. I’ll start with a few of my recent favs’.
# MargeuriteYourcenar
#memoirsofhadrian #returningtoearth #jimharrison #coyoteamerica #danflores #theuncommonreader #alanbennett #ministryforthe #kimstanleyrobertson
Though interesting enough, the collected Brown Dog novellas are certainly not Harrison’s best work, but do take measures into their own hands by presenting an authentic northern Michigan man as well as stereotypical friends, family, and acquaintances available for his indulgence. Please read my review of his Brown Dog novellas here:
#jimharrison #michigan #literary #fiction
The danger of civilization, of course, is that you will piss away your life on nonsense.
- Jim Harrison
#jimharrison #author #poet #quote
Les aventures du double et héros de #JimHarrison enfin disponibles en intégralité sur un même volume. Un régal de lecture absolu pour l'un des plus attachants et anticonformistes des personnages créés par la littérature. 600 pages d'anthologie ! ⤵️
#jimharrison #chienbrun #litteratureetatsunienne
Bookstore haul! Shout out to #moonpalacebooks in #Minneapolis. And you know what? #abolishthepolice
#moonpalacebooks #minneapolis #abolishthepolice #jimharrison #poetry #americaonfire #elizabethhinton #thethrough #arafaeljohnson #beloved #tonimorrison #slingshot #Jawbreaker #24hourrevengetherapy #books
What I read in October 2022. #amreading #parisreview #ladychurchillsrosebudwristlet #marissalingen #jimharrison #poetry
#amreading #parisreview #ladychurchillsrosebudwristlet #marissalingen #jimharrison #poetry