dott. Alessandro Pedrazzi · @psicoterapeuta
53 followers · 130 posts · Server

Meccanismi di difesa - 025 - Umorismo

🤣 😂  Una risata vi seppellirà... fatti una risata... Ridi che ti passa... Ridere dei nostri limiti... E' ben noto che umorismo ed autoironia siano potenti strumenti per il nostro benessere e per affrontare fonti di stress.

#psicologoinrete #meccanismididifesa #umorismo #autoironia #crescitapersonale #standup #standupcomedy #Zelig #comico #psicoterapeuta #comicita #comicitaitaliana #billburr #rickygervais #louisck #jimjefferies

Last updated 1 year ago

Third spruce tree on the left · @tezoatlipoca
226 followers · 1066 posts · Server

His special BARE came out nearly 10 years ago, but every school , besides pointing at The 's always poignant "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" article, I like to repost laser accurate take on .

He's right - there's only one valid excuse for owning a gun: "fuck off, I like guns"... and its not a very good one either.

Dunno. Maybe we can ask Neil Diamond how to solve the gun problem.

#guns #jimjefferies #onion #shooting

Last updated 2 years ago

Holy shit, this is funny as hell! Watch "Jim Jefferies new special Sweden eugenics 😂 " on YouTube

#jimjefferies #comedy #standupcomedy #lol #funny #joke

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2356 posts · Server

There are multiple forms of humour. For example, the 'silly' or 'fun' (innocent) humour that's related to 'giggling'. On the other end of the personality spectrum, there is 'dark' humour that's used to misdirect an intentional insult as "it's only a joke". Humour is subjectively multidimensional (networked) and socially context specific. Therefore, any in general comments of, for example, humour is all 'X' or 'Y' is often too simplistic. However, there is a lot of 'adult' (inc. teenage) humour that's related to social status. For example, humour is used to insult people or groups of people. I use satire for my own psychological benefit. For example, I mock people that are explicitly immoral such as President Putin. In that context, the phrase "it's better to laugh than cry" is related to how humour can be part of the healing process.

There is also humour that is used in a sociopathological context. For example, 'bullies' use humour to insult their 'marks' and cover up (misdirect) that behaviour with "I was only joking" (though of course, the targets of their humour don't tend to appreciate the bullies’ 'style' of cruel humour). If you know of a person that perceives cruelty as humorous, that’s the sign of an underlying sociopathology. For example, whilst I find clever jokes about President Putin as funny, I would feel no humour if I watched people hurt him (though he should be tried by a court of law and imprisoned for all our safety). Just as I find no humour in the horrendous behaviours of the Russian soldiers that Putin ordered into Ukraine. There is absolutely nothing funny about cruelty, therefore, the people that perceive cruelty as ‘funny’ have a delusional perception of reality. And of course, they don’t laugh if they are being treated cruel. Sociopathology is full of ‘double standards’ (i.e., they’re also hypocrites). They’re socially immoral fools! (But often fools with power. i.e., social influence)

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Some of the ‘Shock Jocks’ humour can be insightful, and informing about what are difficult subjects. Some of the ‘Shock Jocks’ humour can be in bad taste. However, ‘Shock Jocks’ comedy routines are a specific form of humour (& I do find some funny & others as having poor taste). They all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting. To reiterate, sometimes those insults are warranted because the ‘target’ of that derogatory humour is an immoral agent (e.g., President Putin). Other times, those insults are not fair and the ‘Shock Jocks’ are expressing their own prejudice using the veil of ‘I’m only joking”. Human personalities vary, not all people have a cruel ‘streak’, but too many people evidently do. Vengeance is often the reason why these cruel streaks are often socially acceptable as “normal”.

There are socially healthy & unhealthy forms of humour, and they relate to an individual’s underlying psychology (including their experiences. E.g., nurturing). For instance, if someone laughed at the sign of an animal being slaughtered – that someone is expressing sociopathology. “Social” behaviours are not only about how humans perceive other humans. How we perceive other humans also shapes our perception of other objects (& yes – of course humans are objects. We are physical organisms with physical bodies). When we treat humans with compassion, that matters (too that human). When we treat, for example, a car with care, it doesn’t matter to the car (though it may matter to the cars owner).

There are various forms of comedy (though none of them are included in this post as this post is about being serious). Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke. To reiterate, Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand-up comedians tend to be unusually 'quiet' about the subjects related to ecological degradation. Maybe they don’t find that subject ‘funny’? (l doubt that's because they're unaware it's happening. I.e., their 'silence' about climate change is related to their personal lifestyle bias). That's because of the successful stand-up comedian’s lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's) and their typical audience’s lifestyles.

Fundamentally, in a stand-up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech. For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced l was only joking" narrative. For example, comedians that want to inform people about some subject may make a joke about that subject, followed with the reason why they were ‘only joking’. But Jefferies wasn’t ‘only joking’, he was ranting about the personal things he does not like about Miss Greta Thunberg. And none of those dislikes were about her personality, they were about her physical appearance and nationality (they were prejudice remarks, that were disguised as humour). Granted, this is, maybe, a more nuanced way to think than your average Jim Jefferies ‘fan’ (so maybe they can be excused if they do not want to recognise that their favourite stand-up comedian has some deep-seated prejudice against environmental activists).

In the context of Jim Jefferies "comedy" routine about Greta Thunberg - It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour. Though, in other subjects, Jim Jefferies was more progressive (more liberal. E.g., about being “gay”). It's "odd" how it's specifically within the context of climate change - that these liberal comedians often express rather conservative attitudes. Maybe their "liberated" by their money & they perceive climate mitigation as a threat to their lifestyles (a rhetorical or polite “maybe”). Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase Jim Jefferies NetFlix special "l agree with the science that Greta Thunberg is saying - but we just don't want to friggin hear it!" (& the audience laughed. Sometimes, what people laugh at, can reveal an underlying truth about themselves). It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries. In other words, he’s part of the rich lifestyle capitalist culture (of course, he doesn’t poke fun at capitalism either)

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians, that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humorous way. In fact, quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like (what they’re saying). The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#jimjefferies #netflix #gretathunberg #psychology #disinformation #prejudice #comedy #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2355 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quiet' about the subjects related ecologically degradation (l doubt that's because they're unaware it's happening. I.e., their 'silence' about climate change is related to their personal lifestyle bias). That's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

In the context of Jim Jefferies "comedy" routine about Greta Thuberg - It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, in other subjects, Jim Jefferies was more progressive. It's "ddd" how it's specifically within the context of climate change - that these liberal comedians often express rather conservative attitudes. Maybe their "liberated" by their money & they perceive climate mitigation as a threat to their lifestyles.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#psychology #jimjefferies #netflix #prejudice #comedy #gretathunberg #science #disinformation

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2355 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quiet' about the subjects related ecologically degradation (l doubt that's because they're unaware it's happening. I.e., their 'silence' about climate change is related to their personal lifestyle bias). That's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

In the context of Jim Jefferies "comedy" routine about Greta Thuberg - It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, in other subjects, Jim Jefferies was more progressive. It's "ddd" how it's specifically within the context of climate change - that these liberal comedians often express rather conservative attitudes. Maybe their "liberated" by their money & they perceive climate mitigation as a threat to their lifestyles.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#jimjefferies #science #netflix #gretathunberg #psychology #disinformation #prejudice #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
334 followers · 2354 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quite' about the ecologically degradation. "Maybe" that's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#jimjefferies #netflix #gretathunberg #psychology #prejudice #science #disinformation #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
334 followers · 2354 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quite' about the ecologically degradation. "Maybe" that's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#netflix #gretathunberg #jimjefferies #science #psychology #disinformation #prejudice #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
334 followers · 2354 posts · Server

Narcissism 'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quite' about the ecologically degradation. "Maybe" that's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#netflix #science #disinformation #prejudice #comedy #jimjefferies #gretathunberg #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
334 followers · 2354 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when they acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quite' about the ecologically degradation. "Maybe" that's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#jimjefferies #netflix #gretathunberg #science #psychology #disinformation #prejudice #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
334 followers · 2354 posts · Server

'Shock Jocks" are the 'standup' comedians that say 'shocking' narratives on stage using methods that (some of) the audience perceives as hilarious. Their comedy routines all follow the same patterns & they're all related to the psychological dynamics of social status (seeking behaviours). For example, saying phrases about other people, that "normally", would be recognised as insulting.

Of course, there can be socially healthy & an unhealthy forms of humour. There are various forms of comedy. Comedians may tell a story about when thet acted "dumb" or call other people "stupid", etc. But, when a "Joke" has "hate" (prejudice, bias, etc) behind it, that's not an intelligent nor good joke.

Humans often use the veil of humour to socially degrade others. For example, "l was only joking!" could be used to misdirect people's attention away from the intentional insult. Narcissists with sociopathic attitudes use "humour" to be intentionally cruel to their 'marks' ("victims" in some social contexts. E.g., "bullies")

Some comedians use the "I was only joking!" style to be constructively critical of, for example, prejudice. Or to highlight the ignorance of religion, politics or business practice's - peoples ignorance related unethical attitudes & behaviours. For example, within the context of a scientific subject such as climate change. Well, in theory they could. In practice, stand up comedians tend to be unusually 'quite' about the ecologically degradation. "Maybe" that's because of the successful standup comedians lifestyle (their personal circumstances & agenda's)

Fundamentally, in a stand up comedy routine, there is a 'fine line' between what some will perceive as 'funny' ("only joking") & what maybe veiled hate speech.

For example, in the comedians latest "High & Dry "special", that 'line' was explicitly crossed. On the Netflix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed hate speech ("racism") against the Swedish environmental activist, & Swedish people in general.

The pattern - many 'Shock Jocks' use is to ridicule a person, or a demographic feature of people, or themselves, & then excuse that humour as "only joking". But, during the NetFlix "special" Jim Jefferies expressed a callous attitude towards Greta Thunberg. For example, "picking" only on her physical appearance, & then, near the end of the "special" related Greta Thunberg to a fictitious narrative about 'throwing away' & eating dead babies. Jim Jefferies didn't 'square' this "humour" with a balanced "l'm only joking" narrative.

It was a practised "comedy" routine of hate speech that was veiled in the "charisma" of humour.

Though, Jim Jefferies did briefly express one accurate insight. To paraphrase "l agree with the science that Greta is saying - but, we just don't want to hear it".

It's well known that the rich live the most ecologically unsustainable lifestyles. And Jim Jefferies has a career that's related to travelling on Jet's to perform in many countries.

Maybe this is why - no famous 'stand up' comedians that l have heard, have "educated" the audience about the sciences related to climate change in a humourous way. In fact quite the opposite, they either avoid the subject all together, or do what Jim Jefferies did, insult the people that are speaking out about climate change. They insult the people, using humour, that they don't like. The people that are speaking out against their rich polluting lifestyles.

So, people laugh at the "shocking" phrases that the 'Shock Jocks' say, but, it's the immoral fools that laugh at hate speech and ignorance that's disguised as "only joking" rhetoric.

#jimjefferies #netflix #gretathunberg #science #psychology #disinformation #prejudice #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Dannewitz · @ericdano
319 followers · 3921 posts · Server

Jim Jefferies new Netflix Special is pretty good.

#comedy #jimjefferies

Last updated 2 years ago

Radhakrishnan · @radhakrishnan
14 followers · 74 posts · Server

Jim Jeffries, High n' Dry, crude, funny and fair.

#standupcomedy #jimjefferies #highndry #netflix

Last updated 2 years ago

Radhakrishnan☑️ · @radhakrishnan
48 followers · 765 posts · Server

Jim Jeffries, High n' Dry, crude, funny and fair.

#netflix #highndry #jimjefferies #standupcomedy

Last updated 2 years ago

Emanuele Bertola :verified: · @lozirion
249 followers · 279 posts · Server

Me. Felice. 🤩


Last updated 2 years ago