Gizmodo: Wolverine Celebrates Turning 50 with a Chris Claremont Miniseries #natasharomanoff #chrisclaremont #edgarsalazar #uncannyxmen #steverogers #hughjackman #wolverine #madripoor #jimlee #logan #xmen #x23
#natasharomanoff #chrisclaremont #edgarsalazar #uncannyxmen #steverogers #hughjackman #wolverine #madripoor #jimlee #logan #xmen #x23
Hay un detalle que me inspira mucha ternura en la nueva versión de la ilustración de Jim Lee, dibujada por David Nakayama.
Y es que Pícara, en la original, estaba triste y sola. Mientras que ahora está arropada por Gambito, feliz.
Me alegra el corasonsito.
#xmen #marvel #davidnakayama #jimlee #hellfire
During World War II, for instance, the #VargaGirl pinup was a major military morale booster. Halsman didn't just do glamour, of course, but his iconic images of #MarilynMonroe #AudreyHepburn & #BrigitteBardot are acclaimed to this day. De Dienes is likewise tied to Monroe forever because he discovered her. And so on.
5️⃣ So, why is Byrne doing this? Well, in the script he takes some shots at hot '90s artists like #RobLiefeld & #JimLee - and the way they draw women. Then passing it off as a story.
#vargagirl #marilynmonroe #audreyhepburn #brigittebardot #robliefeld #jimlee
4️⃣ But, while it is significant, it is a generic comic. It looks good, but it's just people fighting. There's nothing here to care about.
On Sale Date: June 16, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #3.
#ScottLobdell (6 of 6).
#JimLee (11 of 11)
#scottlobdell #jimlee #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
#Marvel #XMen #11 (1992) - 6/10
Final #JimLee issue. (Thank goodness.)
1️⃣ The heroes shake off Mojo's influence and fight back!
2️⃣ Lee came, made the X-Men mediocre, and now he's leaving. This is his last Marvel credit for 4 years.
3️⃣ Big development for #Dazzler here, who won't be seen again for 3 years! Indeed, over the next dozen-or-so years, she will only appear a dozen times. #Longshot appears even less than that. And the same with Mojo! For now, their story is basically over.
#marvel #xmen #jimlee #dazzler #longshot
3️⃣ The story is of a type we've seen before. And the constant TV references grow tedious long before we reach the final page.
On Sale Date: May 19, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #2.
#ScottLobdell (5 of 6).
#JimLee (10 of 11).
#scottlobdell #jimlee #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front and center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
#jimlee #xmen #chrisclaremont #toys #marvellegends
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front an center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
#jimlee #xmen #chrisclaremont #toys #marvellegends
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front an center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
The X-Men fight for Lilandra! Rogue fights for the Savage Land! And Magneto fights for himself!
Don't miss this special double-sized issue in this week's UNCANNY X-CERPTS!
#xmen #comics #90scomics #jimlee #chrisclaremont #wolverine
found this book on amazon and went down a rabit hole of nostalgia
#xmen #jimlee
Die Ereignisse in Hush beginnen mit der Rettung eines entführten Jungen. Als Batman aber die Spur der Täter aufnimmt, entspinnt sich ein Netz aus Wendungen, aus dem er sich befreien muss! Im Laufe des Comics tritt ein Großteil des bekannten Batman-Personals auf: Catwoman, Joker, Killercroc, Huntress, Poison Ivy und viele mehr.
#batman #hush #comics #comicbuch #joker #huntress #poisonivy #killercroc #harleyquinn #dc #dccomics #catwoman #superman #jephloeb #jimlee #scottwilliams
#batman #hush #comics #comicbuch #joker #huntress #poisonivy #killercroc #harleyquinn #dc #dccomics #catwoman #superman #jephloeb #jimlee #scottwilliams