Ted Tocks Covers - Year 6 - Day 93
A Tuesday musical buffet featuring #MichaelJackson #RoyOrbison #TheBeatles #JimmyReed #LosLobos and #Nirvana.
#michaeljackson #royorbison #thebeatles #jimmyreed #loslobos #nirvana
Three years ago the first lockdown in Italy.
Time for some #lockdownmemories.
Misère de la Philosophie - Baby what you want me to do (Jimmy Reed)
#misèredelaphilosophie #indoorbluesinevitableparty #lockdownmemories #JimmyReed #psychedelic#blues
#lockdownmemories #miseredelaphilosophie #indoorbluesinevitableparty #jimmyreed #psychedelic
Got me working, boss man,
Working 'round the clock,
I want me a drink of water,
But you won't let Jimmy stop.
Big boss man,
Can't you hear me when I call?
Well, you ain't so big,
You just tall, that's all.
#JukeboxFridayNight #Resilience #BigBossMan #JimmyReed #Blues
#JukeboxFridayNight #resilience #bigbossman #jimmyreed #blues