EU - for me, but not for thee, says #Brexiteer #JimRatcliffe to Britplebs.
#brexiteer #jimratcliffe #ineos
#ineos #IneosWillFall "De activisten waren niet toegelaten tot de Stadsschouwburg en konden dus geen weerwoord bieden" ... gemakkelijk wel preaching to the choir #bartdewever #VOKA #jimratcliffe ondertussen overal nurdles #nurdlepatrol langs de Schelde oevers...dat opkuisen zal wel weer niet voor Ineos en verwanten zijn zeker?
#nurdlepatrol #jimratcliffe #VOKA #bartdewever #IneosWillFall #ineos
Christ, I cannot work out who is a worse potential buyer for the club. You’ve got rumours of Space Karen “monitoring” it (even though he’s come out before saying he has no interest - then the Battle For Worst Human Rights finalists Qatar and Saudi Arabia both showing interest - Saudis would be a problem on top of that because of their existing purchase of the other Manchester club.
Begging #JimRatcliffe… please… #MUFC
More #Brexit #hypocrisy from #JimRatcliffe (owner of Ineos)...
Ratcliffe (who owns/runs INEOS) on the reasoning for Brexit:
'Brussels has become inefficient & very bureaucratic, which makes it slow to do things. The concept of the United States of Europe will never work.'
INEOS' CFO Jason Meers (in FT) on the finalisation of €3.5bn for a new #chemical plant in #Belgium: 'We believe in the future of Europe and the renewal of European industry.'
There's nothing I really need to add is there!
#brexit #hypocrisy #jimratcliffe #chemical #belgium
So Sir Jim Ratcliffe, boss of Ineos, wants to take over Manchester United and is described on the BBC as British billionaire. He is a non Dom British passport holder who lives in f****** Monaco so that he can pay an estimated£4 billion less tax!
So proud to be British he has f***** off!
#JimRatcliffe #Ineos #NonDom
#ManchesterUnited #MUFC #TaxAvoider
#jimratcliffe #Ineos #nondom #manchesterunited #mufc #taxavoider
« Soutien ardent du #Brexit, #JimRatcliffe, l'homme le plus riche du #RoyaumeUni s’exile à #Monaco.
Il quitte donc un pays dont il avait expliqué qu'il serait infiniment plus fort sans l'#Europe. »
#brexit #jimratcliffe #royaumeuni #monaco #europe
Ineos tries to block pollution controls on flaring at Grangemouth
#BP #Featured #FriendsoftheEarthScotland #Grangemouth #GrangemouthCommunityCouncil #INEOS #JimRatcliffe #Kinneilterminal #RichardDixon #ScottishEnvironmentProtectionAgency #ScottishGovernment #WalterInglis
#bp #featured #friendsoftheearthscotland #grangemouth #grangemouthcommunitycouncil #ineos #jimratcliffe #kinneilterminal #richarddixon #scottishenvironmentprotectionagency #scottishgovernment #walteringlis #news