I've mentioned that I'm playing through Morrowind, again, iteration number 10 for this character. I just might even finish the run through this time. I have installed a butt load of mods and official add-ons. One of them is exploding area of effect arrows.
Pro-tip: If a cliff racer goes into town and the town guard moves into attach it, do NOT use area of effect exploding arrows on the racer. It'll damage the guard as well and then they will attack you.
My favorite Elder Scrolls game is, by far, Morrowind. I did a complete run through many years ago. I later found a crapload of mods that made the game look spectacular and decided to do another run through. I'd start a game, get so far, stop playing and never finish it and sometime later, start over again.I recently started game number 10. Will I complete it or will I go so far and stop? Ask me in a few months. Going good so far.
#ComputerGames #Bethesda #ElderScrolls #Morrowind #JimsGames
#jimsgames #morrowind #elderscrolls #Bethesda #computergames