“I apologize for not being entirely honest with you. I apologize for not revealing my true feelings. I apologize, sir, for not telling you sooner that you're a degenerate, sadistic old man. And you can go to hell before I apologize to you now or ever again!”
Kirk Douglas in Paths of Glory
#PathsOfGlory #Kubrick #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #JimThompson #CalderWillingham
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#pathsofglory #kubrick #stanleykubrick #kirkdouglas #jimthompson #calderwillingham #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
「長い鼻毛が飛び出しているのに気づいて、それを引っこ抜いて、眺めてみた。でも、格別おもしろくもなかった。それで、そいつを床に落として、考えた。鼻毛が床に落ちるのも、スズメが地面に落ちるのと同じように、神の御意志によるものなのだろうか? おれはケツの片側を持ち上げて長々とをこいた。近くに人がいたら、できないような屈だ。おれはきんたまを掻いた。 どこまでが掻いていることになり、どこからが好きでいじっていることになるのか、見極めようとしてみた。これは大昔からの疑問なのだろうが、近い将来に答えが得られることはないだろうと思った。」
#JimThompson 『ポップ1280』
Today's bargains - especially the Jim Thompson book which I got for a LOT less than it normally goes for.
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
My super-power is finding a copy of a book that is a fraction of the price it normally goes for - my Achilles heel is that I cannot resist buying it - cue little devil on shoulder saying "You'll not find it that cheap again" ...
Anyway got these 3 anthologies (11 individual novels) for a song - especially the Jim Thompson book that is normally
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
My super-power is finding an copy of a book that is a fraction of the price it normally goes for - my Achilles heel is that I cannot resist buying it - cue little devil on shoulder saying "You'll not find it that cheap again" ...
Anyway got these 3 anthologies (11 individual novels) including shipping for less than they frequently cost individually.
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
Thanks to a recommendation, this was my second book of the year. What a corker #noir #JimThompson #TheGetaway #books #book #reading
#noir #jimthompson #TheGetaway #books #book #reading
NYJ, 67 year old retired attorney, a man who enjoys things. #CarlBarks #georgeherriman #segar #saulbellow #leftbanke #ElvisCostello #spinaltap #credibilitygap #bringingupbaby #edmcbain #KimberleyRew #thedbs #bigstar #Raspberries #auctions #firsteditions #masterandmargarita #broadway #musicals #HudsonSquare #citywinery #sativa #soju #chekhov #josephroth #charleswilleford #jimthompson #StanleyKubrick #martinscorsese #briandepalma #patriciahighsmith #thekinks #Balzac #mottthehoople #flashman
#Flashman #MottTheHoople #balzac #thekinks #PatriciaHighsmith #briandepalma #martinscorsese #stanleykubrick #jimthompson #charleswilleford #josephroth #chekhov #soju #sativa #citywinery #HudsonSquare #musicals #broadway #masterandmargarita #firsteditions #auctions #raspberries #BigStar #thedbs #KimberleyRew #edmcbain #bringingupbaby #credibilitygap #spinaltap #ElvisCostello #leftbanke #saulbellow #segar #georgeherriman #CarlBarks