Looking Beyond the Rubble: Aiding the Kurds after the Syria, Türkiye Earthquake https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/looking-beyond-the-rubble-aiding-the-kurds-after-the-syria-turkiye-earthquake/ #Global #AANES #Afrin #aleppo #earthquake #earthquakes #Jindires #Kobane #Kobani #Kurdistan #natural_disaster #red_crescent_society #Rojava #Syria #Turkey #Türkiye #Türkiye
#global #AANES #afrin #aleppo #earthquake #earthquakes #jindires #kobane #kobani #kurdistan #natural_disaster #red_crescent_society #Rojava #syria #turkey #turkiye
RT @SyriaCivilDef@twitter.com
"The sight of the notebooks broke my heart... My thoughts turned to my own children. I didn't pause for a moment as I searched. Our hope was to find a child, woman, or father and reunite them with their family. "
-Volunteer Muhammad, #Jindires, #Aleppo
#Syria #earthquake
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SyriaCivilDef/status/1625123806921596929
#jindires #aleppo #syria #earthquake
#BLOG 💬 Jindires, l’aide impossible...
Le district #Jindires du canton d’Afrîn situé dans l’extrémité nord-ouest de la #Syrie a subi et en plein fouet les effets destructeurs du séisme qui a frappé le sud-est de la Turquie et le nord de la Syrie.
✏️ Espoir Afrîn | En accès libre › https://blogs.mediapart.fr/espoir-afrin/blog/100223/jindires-l-aide-impossible