The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am looking at some of my pens that would make good next level fountain pens.
⁃ Jinhao 100 Centennial + Robert Oster Blue Water Ice
⁃ PenBBS 308 + Cult Pens Deep Dark Green
⁃ Majohn M800 + Diamine Ochre
⁃ Asvine V169 + Herbin Diablo Menthe
⁃ Wing Sung 698 + Diamine Monboddos Hat
#fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #jinhao #jinhao100 #jinhaocentennial #penBBS #moonman
#fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #jinhao #Jinhao100 #JinhaoCentennial #penbbs #moonman
Writing Mon 11 Sep Jinhao X450 and Taccia Utamaro-Usuzumi
What are you writing with today?
Jinhao X450 <Steel Broad> + Taccia Utamaro-Usuzumi
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #JinhaoX450 #Jinhao #Taccia #TacciaUtamaro-Usuzumi
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhaox450 #jinhao #taccia #tacciautamaro
I've been very happy with the Jinhao fountain pens I have in my pen collection. Working on them and with them I've collected some information that's useful to me and put it in a blog post.
#feeds #fountainpens #fp #jinhao #nibs #fps
I was gifted a new fountain pen today, a #Jinhao 82, with some Diamine Sailor’s Warning ink, and it is #FANTASTIC
#jinhao #fantastic #fountainpens #constructedscripts
Writing Sun 03 Sep Jinhao 100 Centennial and Robert Oster Blue Water Ice
Todays key equipment
Jinhao 100 Centennial <Steel Medium> + Robert Oster Blue Water Ice
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao100Centennial #Jinhao #RobertOster #RobertOsterBlueWaterIce
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao100Centennial #jinhao #robertoster #robertosterbluewaterice
Writing Mon 28 Aug Jinhao 100 Centennial and Robert Oster Blue Water Ice
Todays tools
Jinhao 100 Centennial <Steel Medium> + Robert Oster Blue Water Ice
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao100Centennial #Jinhao #RobertOster #RobertOsterBlueWaterIce
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao100Centennial #jinhao #robertoster #robertosterbluewaterice
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on some cheap Jinhao fountain pens.
⁃ Jinhao 992 + Robert Oster Caffe Crema
⁃ Jinhao x450 + Taccia Utamaro-Usuzumi
⁃ Jinhao 159 + Robert Oster Vine Leaf
⁃ Jinhao 51a + Diamine Oxblood
⁃ Jinhao x159 + Lamy Azurite
Join me to see how these pens compare with each other.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #Jinhao #jinhao
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #jinhao
Today’s fountain pen is another Jinhao 82. This time with a fude nib. No. 5 fude nibs are great because they’re small enough that you can still write (almost) normally with them. That is, if you enjoy writing really big. 😬
#fountainpen #fountainpens #stationery #penaddict #jinhao #jinhao82 #fude #fudenib
#fountainpen #fountainpens #stationery #penaddict #jinhao #jinhao82 #fude #fudenib
Today's fountain pen is a Jinhao 82 with a vintage Stephensons 14ct gold stub (?) nib. Inked with Pelikan 4001 violet.
#fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao82
#fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao82
Writing Mon 07 Aug Jinhao 85 and Diamine Autumn Oak
Todays writing tools
Jinhao 85 <Steel Fude> + Diamine Autumn Oak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao85 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineAutumnOak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhao85 #jinhao #diamine #diamineautumnoak
Still sporting the Jinhao 9019 today. Just with a better picture. ;)
#fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao9019
#fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao9019
Today’s fountain pen is the Jinhao 9019. I would call it an upgrade to the X159. A bit bigger and better plastic, huge (think TWSBI Swipe) screw in converter that is still standard international compatible, still the same great no. 8 nib. Oh, and fun colors!
#fountainpens #fountainpen #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao9019 #jinhaox159
#fountainpens #fountainpen #penaddict #stationery #jinhao #jinhao9019 #jinhaox159
Writing Tue 01 Aug Jinhao 85 and Diamine Autumn Oak
Todays key equipment
Jinhao 85 <Steel Fude> + Diamine Autumn Oak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao85 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineAutumnOak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhao85 #jinhao #diamine #diamineautumnoak
Writing Tue 25 Jul Jinhao 85 and Diamine Autumn Oak
Todays key equipment
Jinhao 85 <Steel Fude> + Diamine Autumn Oak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao85 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineAutumnOak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhao85 #jinhao #diamine #diamineautumnoak
New pen! My #Jinhao X159 arrived today; this is the one that's a kind-of-clone of the Montblanc 149. It's slightly bigger than the X450 bit as the body is plastic instead of metal, it's not as heavy. This one has a Fine nib in size 8.
I've switched the Sherwood Green ink into this new pen, and I've now flushed out the 8802 and re-inked it with Diamine Saddle Brown.
These Jinhao pens have never failed to impress me.
Writing Thu 29 Jun Jinhao x250 and Diamine Brandy Snap
Todays key equipment
Jinhao x250 {Fine} + Diamine Brandy Snap
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhaox250 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineBrandySnap
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhaox250 #jinhao #diamine #DiamineBrandySnap
Writing Sat 24 Jun Jinhao 85 and Diamine Autumn Oak
Todays key equipment
Jinhao 85 {Steel Fude} + Diamine Autumn Oak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhao85 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineAutumnOak
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhao85 #jinhao #diamine #diamineautumnoak
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao 85 Fountain Pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Autumn Oak ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhao85 #Jinhao85 #jinhao85 #Jinhao
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #jinhao85 #jinhao
Writing Tue 20 Jun Jinhao x250 and Diamine Brandy Snap
Todays key equipment
Jinhao x250 {Fine} + Diamine Brandy Snap
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #Jinhaox250 #Jinhao #Diamine #DiamineBrandySnap
#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #jinhaox250 #jinhao #diamine #DiamineBrandySnap
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available.
In this video I am comparing:
The Jinhao 100 Centennial with Kobe No 60 Foreign Museum Mint ink
The Kaigelu 316a with Kobe No 60 Foreign Museum Mint ink.
Which pen will come out on top?
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #Jinhao #Jinhao100 #JinhaoCentennial #KobeNo60ForeignMuseumMint #KobeForeignMuseumMint #KobeNo60 #Kobe60 #Kobe #Kaigelu316a #Kaigelu316
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #jinhao #Jinhao100 #JinhaoCentennial #kobeno60foreignmuseummint #kobeforeignmuseummint #kobeno60 #kobe60 #kobe #kaigelu316a #kaigelu316